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Thursday, August 26, 2004

Kerry Fatigue...

First off, at 8:05pm (Eastern, I guess), C-SPAN will have Kerry's 1971 Senate Hearing testimony. You remember- the testimony when he accused Viet Nam Vets of every known war crime, implicated himself in said crimes, and pretty much lied through his teeth about his "Band of Brothers." If nothing else, you should watch it just to hear him butcher "Genghis."

Second, Drudge links to this story where a top Democrat says that they want Attorney General Ashcroft to open a criminal investigation on the connection between the 527 group Swiftboat Veterans for Truth and President Bush. To quote Senator Kerry, "Bring it on!"

Third, NRO has a helpful list of 20 questions for the MSM to ask Senator Kerry.

Finally, I just read something for the first time, and it floored me. To my knowledge, this little tidbit has never been on the MSM. I haven't been able to find a "true" news article that references this, so if you have contrary verifiable information, let me know. Quite a few opinion pages on several respected news sites have mentioned this, so I'm taking this as true until proven otherwise. The tidbit? Kerry didn't enlist in the Navy- he enlisted in the RESERVES. And the Naval and Coast Guard Reserves were the least likely to get called up. But he did get called up. Hmmm... so will do an add calling him a coward for trying to get out of going to Viet Nam?

I'm not casting aspersions on Kerry's decision to join the Reserves. There were many honorable men and women who did the same thing during the Viet Nam conflict, and there are many more who do the same thing today. And, Kerry didn't run across the border like so many others. Unfortunately, his campaign's web site has items questioning President Bush's courage because he joined the National Guard. Yet once again, Senator Kerry, you can't have it both ways.

For more Kerry analysis, check out George's site, as well as the Swift Vets site and the Viet Nam Vets for Truth site.I don't claim to be an expert when it comes to Kerry (he gives me a headache), but George is doing a great job of sifting through the minutiae, and the SVFT and VVFT are trying to get their stories out.

Comments: Anything you'd like to add?

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