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Monday, September 20, 2004

Kerry gives major policy speech

Senator Kerry just finished giving a "major foreign policy" speech at New York University. (First, do campaign managers call a speech "major policy" in order to force the media to cover it? Just asking...) Several times he received decent applause, but often the applause sounded... polite. That can't be good for him since he was in a liberal stronghold.

I'm not going to go through the whole thing- he droned on and on and... well, you get the idea. He spent what seemed like 2/3 of the time criticizing the President, then the last few minutes giving something that vaguely resembled plans if HE was POTUS. We join the speech, already in progress...

This election is about choices. The most important choices a President makes are about protecting America… at home and around the world. A president’s first obligation is to make America safer, stronger and truer to our ideals.

Only a few blocks from here, three years ago, the events of September 11 reminded every American of that obligation. That day brought to our shores the defining struggle of our times: the struggle between freedom and radical fundamentalism. And it made clear that our most important task is to fight… and to win… the war on terrorism.

OK, so far it's a Bush campaign speech. The President is clearly truer to our ideals than Kerry would ever dream of being. And the President firmly believes that our most important task is to win the war on terrorism.

With us today is a remarkable group of women who lost loved ones on September 11th … and whose support I am honored to have. Not only did they suffer an unbearable loss – they helped us learn the lessons of that terrible time by insisting on the creation of the 9/11 Commission. I ask them to stand. And I thank them on behalf of our country -- and I pledge to them and to you that I will implement the 9-11 recommendations.

Oh, geez. Not them. You know who I'm talking about... the three or four 9/11 widows who made the morning show circuit and raised a big stink when they weren't accurately informed on the subject. I am truly sorry for their loss. And I'm even more sorry that, in their grief, they choose to lash out at people who had nothing to do with their loss.

In fighting the war on terrorism, my principles are straight forward. The terrorists are beyond reason. We must destroy them. As president, I will do whatever it takes, as long as it takes, to defeat our enemies. But billions of people around the world yearning for a better life are open to America’s ideals. We must reach them.

Unfortunately, our enemies aren't open to American ideals. They want to destroy this way of life. And, many of those billions yearning for a better life are either already on our side, or are willing to get that better life by any means possible. If radical Islam can somehow portray a better life for them, they'll jump at that.

To win, America must be strong. And America must be smart. The greatest threat we face is the possibility Al Qaeda or other terrorists will get their hands on a nuclear weapon.

To prevent that from happening, we must call on the totality of America’s strength. Strong alliances, to help us stop the world’s most lethal weapons from falling into the most dangerous hands. A powerful military, transformed to meet the new threats of terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction. And all of America’s power – our diplomacy, our intelligence system, our economic power, the appeal of our values – each of which is critical to making America more secure and preventing a new generation of terrorists from emerging.

Yet, more of the Bush campaign speech. Carry on... let's skip over a bit... I'm falling asleep already...

That means we must have a great honest national debate on Iraq. The President claims it is the centerpiece of his war on terror. In fact, Iraq was a profound diversion from that war and the battle against our greatest enemy, Osama bin Laden and the terrorists.

This month, we passed a cruel milestone: more than 1,000 Americans lost in Iraq.
You know... for being in country as long as we have, 1k lost is a testiment to US military training and vast superiority.
Their sacrifice reminds us that Iraq remains, overwhelmingly, an American burden. Nearly 90 percent of the troops – and nearly 90 percent of the casualties – are American. Despite the President’s claims, this is not a grand coalition.

When you're the world's only superpower, you tend to have more to give to a situation. And thanks for yet once again belittling our allies' efforts. They do what they can, Senator.

Our troops have served with extraordinary bravery, skill and resolve. Their service humbles all of us.
Especially since they don't cut and run, Senator?

When I speak to them… when I look into the eyes of their families, I know this: we owe them the truth about what we have asked them to do… and what is still to be done. In June, the President declared, “The Iraqi people have their country back.” Just last week, he told us: “This country is headed toward democracy… Freedom is on the march.”

But the administration’s own official intelligence estimate, given to the President last July, tells a very different story. According to press reports, the intelligence estimate totally contradicts what the President is saying to the American people.

And we've seen recently just how reliable press reports can be, haven't we?

So do the facts on the ground. Security is deteriorating, for us and for the Iraqis.

42 Americans died in Iraq in June -- the month before the handover. But 54 died in July…66 in August… and already 54 halfway through September.

And more than 1,100 Americans were wounded in August – more than in any other month since the invasion.

Hate to be callous, sir, but we're at war... injuries happen. Death happens. Especially when the enemy gets desperate as see their future getting more and more bleak.

We are fighting a growing insurgency in an ever widening war-zone. In March, insurgents attacked our forces 700 times. In August, they attacked 2,700 times – a 400% increase.

So, are you saying that, if you were president, you'd go after the countries that are sending the insurgents? Would you put Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iran on your "to bomb" list?

Falluja…Ramadi… Samarra … even parts of Baghdad – are now “no go zones”… breeding grounds for terrorists who are free to plot and launch attacks against our soldiers. The radical Shi’a cleric, Moktada al-Sadr, who’s accused of complicity in the murder of Americans, holds more sway in the suburbs of Baghdad.

Violence against Iraqis… from bombings to kidnappings to intimidation … is on the rise.

Because, due to PC politicians back in the States, our forces aren't allowed to engage them unless fired on, and they have to get super-special permission before bombing "holy sites."

Basic living conditions are also deteriorating.

Residents of Baghdad are suffering electricity blackouts lasting up to 14 hours a day.

Considering how bad it was pre-invasion, that's an improvement.

Raw sewage fills the streets, rising above the hubcaps of our Humvees. Children wade through garbage on their way to school.

Unemployment is over 50 percent. Insurgents are able to find plenty of people willing to take $150 for tossing grenades at passing U.S. convoys.

The people willing to take the money are the same ones who would love to see us fail anyway. The money is just bonus for them. Hmmm... maybe the new Iraqi government (who is actually in charge of the country now) should hire some of those grenade throwers to do some trash detail. Just a thought...

Yes, there has been some progress, thanks to the extraordinary efforts of our soldiers and civilians in Iraq. Schools, shops and hospitals have been opened. In parts of Iraq, normalcy actually prevails.

Go right ahead, Mr. Kerry. Belittle the good that has happened. Expect everything to go from bad to perfect overnight. Disregard the work of aid groups and soldiers who have offered to help in their spare time.

But most Iraqis have lost faith in our ability to deliver meaningful improvements to their lives. So they’re sitting on the fence… instead of siding with us against the insurgents.

That is the truth. The truth that the Commander in Chief owes to our troops and the American people.

Tell that to the Iraqi woman who spoke at the GOP convention. Tell that to the millions whose lives are better now, who no longer live in fear, who now have hope for a better tomorrow.

It is never easy to discuss what has gone wrong while our troops are in constant danger.
That didn't stop you back in '71. Why should it stop you now?
But it’s essential if we want to correct our course and do what’s right for our troops instead of repeating the same mistakes over and over again. I know this dilemma first-hand. After serving in war, I returned home to offer my own personal voice of dissent. I did so because I believed strongly that we owed it those risking their lives to speak truth to power. We still do.

That has to hurt, Senator. You really hoped everyone would forget all the things you said "back in the day," didn't you? You didn't offer a voice of dissent, sir; you endangered hundreds if not thousands of POWs by your lies.

Saddam Hussein was a brutal dictator who deserves his own special place in hell.
Dang. I like that quote. Wish I'd thought of it.

But that was not, in itself, a reason to go to war. The satisfaction we take in his downfall does not hide this fact: we have traded a dictator for a chaos that has left America less secure.

The President has said that he “miscalculated” in Iraq and that it was a “catastrophic success.” In fact, the President has made a series of catastrophic decisions … from the beginning … in Iraq. At every fork in the road, he has taken the wrong turn and led us in the wrong direction.

The first and most fundamental mistake was the President’s failure to tell the truth to the American people.

His two main rationales – weapons of mass destruction and the Al Qaeda/September 11 connection – have been proved false… by the President’s own weapons inspectors… and by the 9/11 Commission. Just last week, Secretary of State Powell acknowledged the facts. Only Vice President Cheney still insists that the earth is flat.

Hmmm... there are links between Saddam's Iraq and al Qaeda. That's been established, Senator. Did you forget that part of the 9/11 Commission's report? And, thanks to your friends in *spit* France *spit*, we thought there were WMDs.

The President also failed to level with the American people about what it would take to prevail in Iraq.

He didn’t tell us that well over 100,000 troops would be needed, for years, not months. He didn’t tell us that he wouldn’t take the time to assemble a broad and strong coalition of allies. He didn’t tell us that the cost would exceed $200 billion. He didn’t tell us that even after paying such a heavy price, success was far from assured.

Is it the President's responsibility to tell the public every detail of an operation? Uhhh, no.

And America will pay an even heavier price for the President’s lack of candor. At home, the American people are less likely to trust this administration if it needs to summon their support to meet real and pressing threats to our security.

No, sir. Most Americans are behind our military, and behind the Commander in Chief. Hussein needed to be taken out- he was a menace to the Middle East, and he harbored and offered material support to our enemies.

Abroad, other countries will be reluctant to follow America when we seek to rally them against a common menace -- as they are today. Our credibility in the world has plummeted.

We don't really care what Kofi Annon and his gang of merry idiots think of us.

In the dark days of the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy sent former Secretary of State Dean Acheson to Europe to build support. Acheson explained the situation to French President de Gaulle. Then he offered to show him highly classified satellite photos, as proof. De Gaulle waved the photos away, saying: “The word of the President of the United States is good enough for me.”

Maybe if de Gaulle were the President of France right now, we wouldn't have as many problems with them. Or maybe we would. But the point is... *spit* France *spit* didn't want us to invade Iraq... why? Because they were getting money from Iraq (from arms sales and the "Food for Oil" fiasco).

How many world leaders have that same trust in America’s president, today?

The ones who matter.

This President’s failure to tell the truth to us before the war has been exceeded by fundamental errors of judgment during and after the war. The President now admits to “miscalculations” in Iraq.

That is one of the greatest understatements in recent American history. His were not the equivalent of accounting errors. They were colossal failures of judgment – and judgment is what we look for in a president.

This is all the more stunning because we’re not talking about 20/20 hindsight. Before the war, before he chose to go to war, bi-partisan Congressional hearings… major outside studies… and even some in the administration itself… predicted virtually every problem we now face in Iraq.

I'm sorry. I must have missed those reports. The Iraqi army was going to roll over, hide, then start a terrorist/ guerilla-style attack? Hundreds of Islamic mujahadeen would come over the border to fight? Al Qaeda operatives would take up residence? Insurgents would resort to kidnapping and murder (which is against their RoP(MA), if I remember correctly) to try to sway opinion in Coalition countries? Nope... don't remember hearing about those possibilities.

This President was in denial. He hitched his wagon to the ideologues who surround him, filtering out those who disagreed, including leaders of his own party and the uniformed military. The result is a long litany of misjudgments with terrible consequences. The administration told us we’d be greeted as liberators. They were wrong.

Oh, yeah. Those guys who pulled down Saddam's statue only paused in their stone-throwing to work with the soldiers to get rid of the statue. That's right. Our soldiers weren't cheered as they rolled in. We just imagined that.

[snip- more comments about how bad we're doing in Iraq that are only loosely based on reality] In Iraq, this administration has consistently over-promised and under-performed. This policy has been plagued by a lack of planning, an absence of candor, arrogance and outright incompetence. And the President has held no one accountable, including himself.
In fact, the only officials who lost their jobs over Iraq were the ones who told the truth.
General Shinseki said it would take several hundred thousand troops to secure Iraq. He was retired. Economic adviser Larry Lindsey said that Iraq would cost as much as $200 billion. He was fired.
After the successful entry into Baghdad, George Bush was offered help from the UN -- and he rejected it. He even prohibited any nation from participating in reconstruction efforts that wasn’t part of the original coalition – pushing reluctant countries even farther away.
Why should he allow countries who weren't willing to pay the price to reap the benefits? That just doesn't make sense.

As we continue to fight this war almost alone, it is hard to estimate how costly that arrogant decision was. Can anyone seriously say this President has handled Iraq in a way that makes us stronger in the war on terrorism?

Yes, I can. This shows the world that we're willing to make the sacrifice with only the support of the willing. We don't need approval from the world to do the right thing.

By any measure, the answer is no. Nuclear dangers have mounted across the globe. The international terrorist club has expanded. Radicalism in the Middle East is on the rise. We have divided our friends and united our enemies. And our standing in the world is at an all time low.

You can thank Clinton for some of the new nuclear dangers around the globe. Terrorism appeals to the egomaniacs of the world. Radicalism is not on the rise- it's just more visible- they don't hide it anymore. And, if what you mean by "standing in the world" our standing in the UN, why should we care about what a bunch of 2 bit dictators think about us?

Think about it for a minute. Consider where we were… and where we are. After the events of September 11, we had an opportunity to bring our country and the world together in the struggle against the terrorists. On September 12th, headlines in newspapers abroad declared “we are all Americans now.” But through his policy in Iraq, the President squandered that moment and rather than isolating the terrorists, left America isolated from the world. We now know that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction and posed no imminent threat to our security. It had not, as the Vice President claimed, “reconstituted nuclear weapons.”
Maybe if we hadn't taken the time to go through the motions with the UN, we would have found WMDs in Iraq. By taking the steps to go to the UN, we gave Hussein time to hide/move those weapons to safer locations (in Syria, perhaps?)
The President’s policy in Iraq took our attention and resources away from other, more serious threats to America.Threats like North Korea, which actually has weapons of mass destruction, including a nuclear arsenal, and is building more under this President’s watch…The emerging nuclear danger from Iran…The tons and kilotons of unsecured chemical and nuclear weapons in Russia... And the increasing instability in Afghanistan.

So evidently the US military is incapable of multi-tasking. We can only do one thing at a time. Glad no one told us that during WWII.

Today... the Taliban is regrouping, opium production is at an all time high and the Al Qaeda leadership still plots and plans... Instead of using U.S. forces, we relied on the warlords to capture Osama bin Laden when he was cornered in the mountains. He slipped away.
We relied on warlords because we didn't know the cave networks in the area. They did. It made sense at the time.

We then diverted our focus and forces from the hunt for those responsible for September 11th in order invade Iraq . We know Iraq played no part in September 11 and had no operational ties to Al Qaeda.

Iraq provided material... oh, never mind. They don't listen anyway.

The President’s policy in Iraq precipitated the very problem he said he was trying to prevent. Secretary of State Powell admits that Iraq was not a magnet for international terrorists before the war. Now it is, and they are operating against our troops. Iraq is becoming a sanctuary for a new generation of terrorists who someday could hit the United States. We know that while Iraq was a source of friction, it was not previously a source of serious disagreement with our allies in Europe and countries in the Muslim world.

Iraq was hated throughout the Middle East. Saddam is a muslim in name only, so he upset the radicals. He persecuted certain sects of Islam, which enraged some. He was a threat to everyone around him. No matter what they say, they're glad he's gone. And Iraq is a magnet for terrorism because that's where we are and they want to get us. Easy as that.

The President’s policy in Iraq divided our oldest alliance and sent our standing in the Muslim world into free fall. Three years after 9/11, even in many moderate Muslim countries like Jordan, Morocco and Turkey, Osama bin Laden is more popular than the United States of America.

Then maybe they're not as moderate as they claim.

Let me put it plainly: The President’s policy in Iraq has not strengthened our national security. It has weakened it. Two years ago, Congress was right to give the President the authority to use force to hold Saddam Hussein accountable. This President… any President… would have needed the threat of force to act effectively. This President misused that authority.

The power entrusted to the President gave him a strong hand to play in the international community. The idea was simple. We would get the weapons inspectors back in to verify whether or not Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And we would convince the world to speak with one voice to Saddam: disarm or be disarmed.

Hmmm... we tried that. They were stonewalled and prevented from truly inspecting sites.

A month before the war, President Bush told the nation: “If we have to act, we will take every precaution that is possible. We will plan carefully. We will act with the full power of the United States military. We will act with allies at our side and we will prevail.” He said that military action wasn’t “unavoidable.”

Instead, the President rushed to war without letting the weapons inspectors finish their work. He went without a broad and deep coalition of allies.

Like I said... they couldn't do their job. And thanks for alienating our friends... again.

He acted without making sure our troops had enough body armor. And he plunged ahead without understanding or preparing for the consequences of the post-war. None of which I would have done.
Senator, you're the one who kept voting against that armor. The President sent them in with everything he could give them. [Side note... if you want to support some of the soldiers, Kim has the Walter-Adam Fund, and he buys scopes, etc. for this group of soldiers as he's able. Just a thought...]

Yet today, President Bush tells us that he would do everything all over again, the same way. How can he possibly be serious? Is he really saying that if we knew there were no imminent threat, no weapons of mass destruction, no ties to Al Qaeda, the United States should have invaded Iraq?My answer is no – because a Commander-in-Chief’s first responsibility is to make a wise and responsible decision to keep America safe.

Oops. Another flip-flop. Didn't Kerry say that he would have voted for the invasion, knowing what he knows now?

Now the president, in looking for a new reason, tries to hang his hat on the “capability” to acquire weapons. But that was not the reason given to the nation; it was not the reason Congress voted on; it’s not a reason, it’s an excuse. Thirty-five to forty countries have greater capability to build a nuclear bomb than Iraq did in 2003. Is President Bush saying we should invade them?

Well... whose side are they on?

I would have concentrated our power and resources on defeating global terrorism and capturing or killing Osama bin Laden.
Our resources are being used toward that end, so... (and there was a report that we've almost got OBL. Hmmm... if God has a sense of humor and an appreciation for timing, we'll nab OBL just before Halloween.)
I would have tightened the noose and continued to pressure and isolate Saddam Hussein – who was weak and getting weaker -- so that he would pose no threat to the region or America.

Oh, yeah, Senator. That would work really well... especially with your friends sneaking Saddam money and weapons. Oh, yeah... he'd be shaking in his boots.

The President’s insistence that he would do the same thing all over again in Iraq is a clear warning for the future.... If George W. Bush is re-elected, he will cling to the same failed policies in Iraq -- and he will repeat, somewhere else, the same reckless mistakes that have made America less secure than we can or should be.

With the true face of Islam showing its ugly head, I agree with the Senator, but for different reasons. To defeat Radical Islam and free the oppressed people who live under its thumb, I'm just about to the point where I'm willing to say "Kill 'em all and let God sort them out." If you harbor terrorists, then you are a terrorist. If you are a terrorist, you are our enemy and must be destroyed. May God have mercy on your soul.

In Iraq, we have a mess on our hands... All across this country people ask me what we should do now... I have set out specific recommendations about how we should and should not proceed. (really, missed those- ed.) But over and over, when this administration has been presented with a reasonable alternative, they have rejected it and gone their own way. This is stubborn incompetence.

Is it incompetance to continue to reject plans doomed to failure? Don't think so...

Five months ago, in Fulton, Missouri, I said that the President was close to his last chance to get it right. Every day, this President makes it more difficult to deal with Iraq – harder than it was five months ago, harder than it was a year ago. It is time to recognize what is – and what is not – happening in Iraq today. And we must act with urgency.Just this weekend, a leading Republican, Chuck Hagel, (RINO extraordinaire) said we’re “in deep trouble in Iraq … it doesn’t add up … to a pretty picture [and] … we’re going to have to look at a recalibration of our policy.” Republican leaders like Dick Lugar and John McCain have offered similar assessments (more RINOs).

Nice try, using "Republican" opinions to try to sway undecided voters. Too bad those "Republicans" are in-name-only and tend to use their party-affiliation only when it's beneficial for them- like around elections.

We need to turn the page and make a fresh start in Iraq. First, the President has to get the promised international support so our men and women in uniform don’t have to go it alone. It is late; the President must respond by moving this week to gain and regain international support.

You hard-headed twit- we HAVE international support.

Last spring, after too many months of resistance and delay, the President finally went back to the U.N. which passed Resolution 1546. It was the right thing to do – but it was late. That resolution calls on U.N. members to help in Iraq by providing troops… trainers for Iraq’s security forces… a special brigade to protect the U.N. mission… more financial assistance… and real debt relief.Three months later, not a single country has answered that call. And the president acts as if it doesn’t matter. And of the $13 billion previously pledged to Iraq by other countries, only $1.2 billion has been delivered.

Could that be that most of the money that the UN has they get from the US. And we're already spending our money in Iraq. And, does it surprise you that no other country is answering the call to help- everyone that wants to already is.

The President should convene a summit meeting of the world’s major powers and Iraq’s neighbors, this week, in New York, where many leaders will attend the U.N. General Assembly. He should insist that they make good on that U.N. resolution. He should offer potential troop contributors specific, but critical roles, in training Iraqi security personnel and securing Iraq’s borders.
Why should they make good on the resolution? What will the UN do to them? Pass another resolution?
He should give other countries a stake in Iraq’s future by encouraging them to help develop Iraq’s oil resources and by letting them bid on contracts instead of locking them out of the reconstruction process.

Why should we allow these other counties to develop the oil resources and give OPEC more control than they already have?

This will be difficult. I and others have repeatedly recommended this from the very beginning. Delay has made only made it harder. After insulting allies and shredding alliances(uh... you did that, Senator, not the President- ed.), this President may not have the trust and confidence to bring others to our side in Iraq.

Then we continue to succeed without them.

Second, the President must get serious about training Iraqi security forces.

The President should urgently expand the security forces training program inside and outside Iraq. He should strengthen the vetting of recruits, double classroom training time, and require follow-on field training. He should recruit thousands of qualified trainers from our allies, especially those who have no troops in Iraq. He should press our NATO allies to open training centers in their countries. And he should stop misleading the American people with phony, inflated numbers.

Does he really think that NATO will get involved when *spit* France*spit* and Germany want this to fail?
Third, the President must carry out a reconstruction plan that finally brings tangible benefits to the Iraqi people.

Last week, the administration admitted that its plan was a failure when it asked Congress for permission to radically revise spending priorities in Iraq. It took 17 months for them to understand that security is a priority … 17 months to figure out that boosting oil production is critical … 17 months to conclude that an Iraqi with a job is less likely to shoot at our soldiers.

No, Senator, it took 17 months to fully assess the situation. It took 17 months to see where the long-term problems would be. It took 17 months to determine just how poorly Saddam had been treating his people and prioritizing rebuilding plans.

One year ago, the administration asked for and received $18 billion to help the Iraqis and relieve the conditions that contribute to the insurgency. Today, less than a $1 billion of those funds have actually been spent.
Maybe we should send a group of Democrats over there. They'd figure out how to spend the other $17 billion in short order. Wouldn't be fiscally sound or responsible, but if Senator Kerry's worry is that it hasn't been spent, I'm sure you get the right Dems over there and it would be gone before you could blink.

I said at the time that we had to rethink our policies and set standards of accountability. Now we’re paying the price.

Now, the President should look at the whole reconstruction package…draw up a list of high visibility, quick impact projects… and cut through the red tape.

He did that and got blasted for playing favorites.

He should use more Iraqi contractors and workers, instead of big corporations like Halliburton.
He used Halliburton because they were one of three companies on the planet who could do the job, and the only one available at the time. Live with it, Senator.

He should stop paying companies under investigation for fraud or corruption. And he should fire the civilians in the Pentagon responsible for mismanaging the reconstruction effort.

So, we should stop paying Congress? Works for me! And... has he ever tried to get through the redtape of trying to fire a government employee?

Fourth, the President must take immediate, urgent, essential steps to guarantee the promised elections can be held next year.

Credible elections are key to producing an Iraqi government that enjoys the support of the Iraqi people and an assembly to write a Constitution that yields a viable power sharing arrangement.

Because Iraqis have no experience holding free and fair elections, the President agreed six months ago that the U.N. must play a central role. Yet today, just four months before Iraqis are supposed to go to the polls, the U.N. Secretary General and administration officials themselves say the elections are in grave doubt.

The UN would like nothing better than for Iraq to fail as a democracy, because democracy and freedom are things that many nations in the UN know nothing about.

Because the security situation is so bad… and because not a single country has offered troops to protect the U.N. elections mission… the U.N. has less than 25 percent of the staff it needs in Iraq to get the job done.

Go figure... not one nation volunteered... can't the UN assign duties like that? And isn't there an outside organization who monitors elections? Once they're done here, just ship them off to Iraq.

The President should recruit troops from our friends and allies for a U.N. protection force. This won’t be easy. But even countries that refused to put boots on the ground in Iraq should still help protect the U.N.
Wait. Hold on. Isn't this the same recommendation he made in points one and two? He's rehashing the same stuff... I call foul!

We should also intensify the training of Iraqis to manage and guard the polling places that need to be opened. Otherwise, U.S forces would end up bearing those burdens alone.

And this is a rehash of number three! The little sneak!

[snip through boring rehash of all he's said so far] This is what has to be done. This is what I would do as President today. But we cannot afford to wait until January. President Bush owes it to the American people to tell the truth and put Iraq on the right track. Even more, he owes it to our troops and their families, whose sacrifice is a testament to the best of America.

The President is putting Iraq on the right track. It will take more than 17 months to fix all the problems there. It's irresponsible to think otherwise.

The principles that should guide American policy in Iraq now and in the future are clear: We must make Iraq the world’s responsibility, because the world has a stake in the outcome and others should share the burden.
The world doesn't want that reponsiblity.

We must effectively train Iraqis, because they should be responsible for their own security. We must move forward with reconstruction, because that’s essential to stop the spread of terror. And we must help Iraqis achieve a viable government, because it’s up to them to run their own country. That’s the right way to get the job done and bring our troops home.

Which is what we're doing, Senator.

[snip through a whole bunch of "W stands for Wrong!"] At every critical juncture in Iraq, and in the war on terrorism, the President has made the wrong choice. I have a plan to make America stronger.

Which plan? The plan from this week? Last week? The secret plan you're not telling anyone?

The President often says that in a post 9-11 world, we can’t hesitate to act. I agree. But we should not act just for the sake of acting. I believe we have to act wisely and responsibly.
George Bush has no strategy for Iraq. I do.
Is that the strategy where you vote for the troops? Or the one where you vote not to fund them? I keep getting those confused.
George Bush has not told the truth to the American people about why we went to war and how the war is going. I have and I will continue to do so.

Today, because of George Bush’s policy in Iraq, the world is a more dangerous place for America and Americans.

No, the world is not a dangerous place because of Bush's policy- it's a dangerous place because dangerous people want to spread their vision to the rest of the world.

If you share my conviction that we can not go on as we are …that we can make America stronger and safer than it is… then November 2 is your chance to speak... and to be heard. It is not a question of staying the course, but of changing the course.

No, sir, the election is not about change... it's about having the right man for the job in the office. And he's in office right now, and he's going to stay there.

I’m convinced that with the right leadership, we can create a fresh start and move more effectively to accomplish our goals.
We don't need a fresh start. We need people to help or get out of the way. We already know who will help. We just need to get everyone else to move.
Our troops have served with extraordinary courage and commitment. For their sake, and America’s sake, we must get this right. We must do everything in our power to complete the mission and make America stronger at home and respected again in the world.

And that is why we must re-elect President George W. Bush.

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