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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Not much news is...
pretty boring...
Had to search high and low for these tidbits. Well, that is... I had to search to find things that had nothing to do with Rathergate. You can get that info anywhere.
First up... Kerry was on Letterman last night. I've heard mixed reviews on the appearance. I don't watch Letterman, so I'll have to tell you what I heard. The audience wanted to love him, but instead of some good self-deprecating humor, he went into talking points. Tried to make some jokes, but supposedly they fell flat. Oh, well... you know you're in a bad way when Gore does a better job than you on Letterman.
OK. I lied. I just saw Joe Lockhart on FoxNews, and I just have to mention something about the whole memo thing. As you might know, CBS says that they gave Burkett's phone number to Lockhart, and he admits that he called Burkett. Although he doesn't expressly say it, he leads you to believe that he thought Burkett was just another guy who wanted to talk to the campaign. Everyone in election politics remember him from the 2000 election. Lockhart's still hiding something.
Senator Lincoln Chafee (RINO, RI) might not vote for Bush on Nov. 2. Does that surprise anyone? Didn't think so.
Intelligence indicates that al Qaeda is planning something big between now and Inauguration Day, with the biggest concerns being close to the election and near or on Jan.20th.
OK- this is just gross. 13% of airliners have contaminated water. [Memo to self:next time I fly... take bottled water and wet wipes...]
How long will the appeals take for this guy? How long before they deport an Imam for providing false information on his citizenship application? And, considering what he falsified, why isn't that a terrorist issue? The man offered support to terrorist organizations.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia lamented the Courts' deciding morally divisive issues that are best left to legislators.
Jaques Chirac is supporting an international tax to fight poverty. Oh, yeah, that's gonna do the trick.
US civil engineer Eugene Armstrong was beheaded in Iraq. When are the powers that be going to realize that you can't compromise with, negotiate with, or understand these monsters. They've turned their backs on their humanity and have become nothing more than animals. Rabid animals that must be put down. There is no rehabilitation for these goons- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will not see the error of his ways until he has to answer for his crimes when he meets his Maker (and he'll be shocked to learn there are no virgins in his eternal future).
On to happier news... Lt. General Mikhail Kalashnikov (anyone know what he's famous for? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?) has launched a brand of vodka bearing his name. It's 82 proof. I wonder how long it will be before we can import it into Texas? Hmmm... need to look into that. [according to one site, the bottle shaped like an AK-47 costs $200... oh, well... maybe when I win the Lotto... add it to my "shopping list", I guess... very cool bottle, though...]
uh... one last thing...watching President Bush's speech to the UN right now... they showed a shot of Secretary Powell, listening to the President. Why, oh why, is he wearing the goofy translator earphone? I'm pretty sure they speak the same language.
Had to search high and low for these tidbits. Well, that is... I had to search to find things that had nothing to do with Rathergate. You can get that info anywhere.
First up... Kerry was on Letterman last night. I've heard mixed reviews on the appearance. I don't watch Letterman, so I'll have to tell you what I heard. The audience wanted to love him, but instead of some good self-deprecating humor, he went into talking points. Tried to make some jokes, but supposedly they fell flat. Oh, well... you know you're in a bad way when Gore does a better job than you on Letterman.
OK. I lied. I just saw Joe Lockhart on FoxNews, and I just have to mention something about the whole memo thing. As you might know, CBS says that they gave Burkett's phone number to Lockhart, and he admits that he called Burkett. Although he doesn't expressly say it, he leads you to believe that he thought Burkett was just another guy who wanted to talk to the campaign. Everyone in election politics remember him from the 2000 election. Lockhart's still hiding something.
Senator Lincoln Chafee (RINO, RI) might not vote for Bush on Nov. 2. Does that surprise anyone? Didn't think so.
Intelligence indicates that al Qaeda is planning something big between now and Inauguration Day, with the biggest concerns being close to the election and near or on Jan.20th.
OK- this is just gross. 13% of airliners have contaminated water. [Memo to self:next time I fly... take bottled water and wet wipes...]
How long will the appeals take for this guy? How long before they deport an Imam for providing false information on his citizenship application? And, considering what he falsified, why isn't that a terrorist issue? The man offered support to terrorist organizations.
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia lamented the Courts' deciding morally divisive issues that are best left to legislators.
Jaques Chirac is supporting an international tax to fight poverty. Oh, yeah, that's gonna do the trick.
US civil engineer Eugene Armstrong was beheaded in Iraq. When are the powers that be going to realize that you can't compromise with, negotiate with, or understand these monsters. They've turned their backs on their humanity and have become nothing more than animals. Rabid animals that must be put down. There is no rehabilitation for these goons- Abu Musab al-Zarqawi will not see the error of his ways until he has to answer for his crimes when he meets his Maker (and he'll be shocked to learn there are no virgins in his eternal future).
On to happier news... Lt. General Mikhail Kalashnikov (anyone know what he's famous for? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?) has launched a brand of vodka bearing his name. It's 82 proof. I wonder how long it will be before we can import it into Texas? Hmmm... need to look into that. [according to one site, the bottle shaped like an AK-47 costs $200... oh, well... maybe when I win the Lotto... add it to my "shopping list", I guess... very cool bottle, though...]
uh... one last thing...watching President Bush's speech to the UN right now... they showed a shot of Secretary Powell, listening to the President. Why, oh why, is he wearing the goofy translator earphone? I'm pretty sure they speak the same language.