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Friday, October 29, 2004
Are Democrats Brain Damaged?
Did I get your attention? I thought so...
Researchers are trying to figure out why people lean one way or the other politically. They did fMRIs on professed Democrats and Republicans while showing them photos of John Kerry, George W. Bush, and Ralph Nader. There were distinct, reproducible responses.
This is kind of cool. Critics say that this is a "corruption of medical research." Whatever. This research has a lot of potential (for good and evil) in the marketplace. Once you figure out how people make decisions, you can alter advertising to best appeal to consumers.
The evil? That would be if someone decides that one political view is in fact brain damage. And they try to fix it.
Nah, I don't really think that would happen. I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
Researchers are trying to figure out why people lean one way or the other politically. They did fMRIs on professed Democrats and Republicans while showing them photos of John Kerry, George W. Bush, and Ralph Nader. There were distinct, reproducible responses.
This is kind of cool. Critics say that this is a "corruption of medical research." Whatever. This research has a lot of potential (for good and evil) in the marketplace. Once you figure out how people make decisions, you can alter advertising to best appeal to consumers.
The evil? That would be if someone decides that one political view is in fact brain damage. And they try to fix it.
Nah, I don't really think that would happen. I'm not a conspiracy theorist.