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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
In the News...
It's been a while (ok, not very long, but still), so here are a few things I found interesting in the news. None of them are inspiring enough for their own post, but...
* A Kerry aide says that the NBC report doesn't contradict the NY Times article about the "missing" explosives in Iraq. Technically, the aide is right- the Times article never said when the 380 tons of explosives went missing. The NBC reporter imbedded with the 101st Airborne did not see any UN seals when he toured the area in April of 2003- which means the seals had already been broken and the loot was already gone. But the Kerry campaign won't believe the reports of an eye witness- they'll rely on NYT stories. (In another note, See-B.S. was planning on running the story on Nov. 1st- the day before the election. Nope, no bias, there.)
* A woman in Clearwater, FL, was caught stealing Bush/Cheney signs from her neighbor's yard. She claimed she was trying to save her neighbor from being levied a $50-a-day fine. Yeah, right. If you cared, you would have just mentioned it to him. You're so busted.
* Arafat might have cancer, but his spokesgoon says it's a gallstone. He has had gallstone problems before. Having had gallstones, I can tell you that they HURT, and that there's a simple cure- you remove the gall bladder. Any doctor worth his salt would have just taken it out the last time he had trouble. (Hubby had his removed, and he didn't even have stones- he just had "gall sludge.") It has to be more than just a couple of 1 centimeter gall stones.
* A Missouri judge has denied a mentally ill man the right to vote in this election, but has agreed to hear arguments after the election. In a nutshell, the man has schizoaffective disorder and has a court-appointed guardian. My feeling is this- if the courts have determined that he can't make legal decisions for himself and must have a guardian, then he should not be able to vote. Isn't a ballot a legal form? I mean, you can't vote until you've reached the age of majority in the same way you can't sign a contract until that time. Just my $.02.
* A NASA scientist says that the Bush administration is ignoring global warming issues. And he claims to be "moderately conservative." What is that? How can the Bush administration ignore global warming? It's not like the environmentalists are hushing it up or anything. We can't make a move without hearing how we're all gonna burn up and destroy the world if we're not careful. I think this guy is upset because the President likes to hear all sides, and he's already heard plenty from his side.
* The governor of Ohio has concerns about voter fraud. Evidently there are more people registered to vote in 4 counties than there are people who are eligible to vote in those counties. And there was a 527 voter registration push there. Go figure!
* Someone rewrote the lyrics to "Monster Mash" and made a flash animation of it, criticizing the Bush administration's logging policies. "Monster Slash" is a total Bush Bash, but it's funny. They did a good job, even if they are wrong.
* Thai lawmakers, who are notorious for their outbursts and brawls, were at it again. This time it was a food fight. Nice to know that a bunch of mature, responsible adults can behave themselves. Geez- my kids are better behaved than that, and they're 11 year old boys.
* In a display of subtle bias, (AP) reports that if the Electoral College can't reach a clear decision about the election, Bush will stay in office because the House will vote. This is a good explanation of this little used part of election code. The part that bothers me is that there is a West Virginia elector that is threatening not to vote for Bush. Why is this person an elector if they aren't loyal?
* In Evergreen Park, IL, police tasered a pregnant woman, and the fetus is weak and may not make it. If they are found to have used excessive force, will they be charged with manslaughter if the baby dies? Oh, wait... this is IL.... never mind...
* Tonight is a total lunar eclipse (8:15 CST). If it's a clear sky, go take a look. Cool stuff.
* A Kerry aide says that the NBC report doesn't contradict the NY Times article about the "missing" explosives in Iraq. Technically, the aide is right- the Times article never said when the 380 tons of explosives went missing. The NBC reporter imbedded with the 101st Airborne did not see any UN seals when he toured the area in April of 2003- which means the seals had already been broken and the loot was already gone. But the Kerry campaign won't believe the reports of an eye witness- they'll rely on NYT stories. (In another note, See-B.S. was planning on running the story on Nov. 1st- the day before the election. Nope, no bias, there.)
* A woman in Clearwater, FL, was caught stealing Bush/Cheney signs from her neighbor's yard. She claimed she was trying to save her neighbor from being levied a $50-a-day fine. Yeah, right. If you cared, you would have just mentioned it to him. You're so busted.
* Arafat might have cancer, but his spokesgoon says it's a gallstone. He has had gallstone problems before. Having had gallstones, I can tell you that they HURT, and that there's a simple cure- you remove the gall bladder. Any doctor worth his salt would have just taken it out the last time he had trouble. (Hubby had his removed, and he didn't even have stones- he just had "gall sludge.") It has to be more than just a couple of 1 centimeter gall stones.
* A Missouri judge has denied a mentally ill man the right to vote in this election, but has agreed to hear arguments after the election. In a nutshell, the man has schizoaffective disorder and has a court-appointed guardian. My feeling is this- if the courts have determined that he can't make legal decisions for himself and must have a guardian, then he should not be able to vote. Isn't a ballot a legal form? I mean, you can't vote until you've reached the age of majority in the same way you can't sign a contract until that time. Just my $.02.
* A NASA scientist says that the Bush administration is ignoring global warming issues. And he claims to be "moderately conservative." What is that? How can the Bush administration ignore global warming? It's not like the environmentalists are hushing it up or anything. We can't make a move without hearing how we're all gonna burn up and destroy the world if we're not careful. I think this guy is upset because the President likes to hear all sides, and he's already heard plenty from his side.
* The governor of Ohio has concerns about voter fraud. Evidently there are more people registered to vote in 4 counties than there are people who are eligible to vote in those counties. And there was a 527 voter registration push there. Go figure!
* Someone rewrote the lyrics to "Monster Mash" and made a flash animation of it, criticizing the Bush administration's logging policies. "Monster Slash" is a total Bush Bash, but it's funny. They did a good job, even if they are wrong.
* Thai lawmakers, who are notorious for their outbursts and brawls, were at it again. This time it was a food fight. Nice to know that a bunch of mature, responsible adults can behave themselves. Geez- my kids are better behaved than that, and they're 11 year old boys.
* In a display of subtle bias, (AP) reports that if the Electoral College can't reach a clear decision about the election, Bush will stay in office because the House will vote. This is a good explanation of this little used part of election code. The part that bothers me is that there is a West Virginia elector that is threatening not to vote for Bush. Why is this person an elector if they aren't loyal?
* In Evergreen Park, IL, police tasered a pregnant woman, and the fetus is weak and may not make it. If they are found to have used excessive force, will they be charged with manslaughter if the baby dies? Oh, wait... this is IL.... never mind...
* Tonight is a total lunar eclipse (8:15 CST). If it's a clear sky, go take a look. Cool stuff.