To read the tribute to SFC Marcus Muralles, please click here 
Saturday, October 16, 2004
Just one of those days...
Consider this post part rant, part pity party, part info sharing. You have been warned.
Day started early. The boys' football game was at 9am, which meant that we had to leave the house at about 7:30. So I was up about 5:30am. Yikes!
It was a tough game. Our opponents had a great passing game, and they were fast. Or defense did the best they could, but it wasn't enough (memo to the offensive line- block something already!) We lost our last regular season game 12-0. By the end of the game, none of the players could sit on the bench because of the injured players we had sprawled on it (sprained ankle, helmet to the shin, and some sort of hip injury- none of them serious, but still... I told the coaches to tell the kids that no one else could get hurt because I was out of ice packs!)
After the game, it was time for "Team Appreciation Day"- homecoming, basically. The plan was for the cheerleaders to line up along one 45 yard line, the players to line up on the other 45, then they'd pair up on the 50 and walk toward the stands (think The Stroll). The girls had water bottles filled with candy to give the boys, and I bought some carnations for the boys to give to the girls. Geez- you'd think I was asking them to kiss the girls or something. It was ridiculous. And the girls weren't much better. Honestly, I have no idea why we even do this. In the e-mail that is sent to the team moms, we were reminded how much the kids enjoy this and look forward to it. They lie. They dread this. They hate it. But they survived.
So, that fiasco behind us, we load up and head out. We have things to do. Things that never got done.
I page Hubby (he had to work and missed the game). He calls right back, and I tell him that we lost. "Oh, bummer. Hey, the nurse wants you to come get me and take me to the emergency room." WHAT??? Uh... k... Hang up with him, call R and ask her to meet us at the ER to hand off the kids. Pick up Hubby at work- he's so dizzy that he can barely stand. Head off to the ER, R takes the kids, and I grab a wheelchair. Wheel Hubby in, sign him in, and we spend Saturday afternoon in the ER. (FYI- the people who work at the Round Rock ER are really nice. At least that's been our experience. Your mileage may vary.) They drew blood, put in an IV, and gave Hubby some meds to take care of the vertigo. Blood work came back normal, so they think he has a virus that has settled in his ear. Since it's a virus, they can only treat the symptoms. So he'll be bumping into walls like a drunken sailor until his body beats this on its own. The dr seemed to think it would be a quick turn around. (But then felt the need to tell us what else it could have been- no, he didn't have a stroke, and I'm thinking the odds are pretty slim that it was a tumor. But we're supposed to watch for all manners of weirdness, just in case.) Fours hours later, we're off to pick up the boys and head home.
On top of all this, my neck has been sore all day (and off and on for the last week or so). I'm not sure if it's just tension (this football season has been a little stressful) or just some sort of inflamation, or (worst case scenario) my back issues have climbed up to my neck (which would totally stink). When we got home, instead of diving into everything I was supposed to be doing, I took a muscle relaxer and some pain meds and took a nap.
Now, what was I supposed to be doing? Hmmm... shopping for birthday presents for Hubby- his b-day is tomorrow. And cleaning the house- his parents and brother will be arriving tomorrow morning. So... I got none of it done. Sorry, Dear! I'll get your gifts later! I promise.
I'm sure I'll post something tomorrow. Just not much. You have been warned.
Day started early. The boys' football game was at 9am, which meant that we had to leave the house at about 7:30. So I was up about 5:30am. Yikes!
It was a tough game. Our opponents had a great passing game, and they were fast. Or defense did the best they could, but it wasn't enough (memo to the offensive line- block something already!) We lost our last regular season game 12-0. By the end of the game, none of the players could sit on the bench because of the injured players we had sprawled on it (sprained ankle, helmet to the shin, and some sort of hip injury- none of them serious, but still... I told the coaches to tell the kids that no one else could get hurt because I was out of ice packs!)
After the game, it was time for "Team Appreciation Day"- homecoming, basically. The plan was for the cheerleaders to line up along one 45 yard line, the players to line up on the other 45, then they'd pair up on the 50 and walk toward the stands (think The Stroll). The girls had water bottles filled with candy to give the boys, and I bought some carnations for the boys to give to the girls. Geez- you'd think I was asking them to kiss the girls or something. It was ridiculous. And the girls weren't much better. Honestly, I have no idea why we even do this. In the e-mail that is sent to the team moms, we were reminded how much the kids enjoy this and look forward to it. They lie. They dread this. They hate it. But they survived.
So, that fiasco behind us, we load up and head out. We have things to do. Things that never got done.
I page Hubby (he had to work and missed the game). He calls right back, and I tell him that we lost. "Oh, bummer. Hey, the nurse wants you to come get me and take me to the emergency room." WHAT??? Uh... k... Hang up with him, call R and ask her to meet us at the ER to hand off the kids. Pick up Hubby at work- he's so dizzy that he can barely stand. Head off to the ER, R takes the kids, and I grab a wheelchair. Wheel Hubby in, sign him in, and we spend Saturday afternoon in the ER. (FYI- the people who work at the Round Rock ER are really nice. At least that's been our experience. Your mileage may vary.) They drew blood, put in an IV, and gave Hubby some meds to take care of the vertigo. Blood work came back normal, so they think he has a virus that has settled in his ear. Since it's a virus, they can only treat the symptoms. So he'll be bumping into walls like a drunken sailor until his body beats this on its own. The dr seemed to think it would be a quick turn around. (But then felt the need to tell us what else it could have been- no, he didn't have a stroke, and I'm thinking the odds are pretty slim that it was a tumor. But we're supposed to watch for all manners of weirdness, just in case.) Fours hours later, we're off to pick up the boys and head home.
On top of all this, my neck has been sore all day (and off and on for the last week or so). I'm not sure if it's just tension (this football season has been a little stressful) or just some sort of inflamation, or (worst case scenario) my back issues have climbed up to my neck (which would totally stink). When we got home, instead of diving into everything I was supposed to be doing, I took a muscle relaxer and some pain meds and took a nap.
Now, what was I supposed to be doing? Hmmm... shopping for birthday presents for Hubby- his b-day is tomorrow. And cleaning the house- his parents and brother will be arriving tomorrow morning. So... I got none of it done. Sorry, Dear! I'll get your gifts later! I promise.
I'm sure I'll post something tomorrow. Just not much. You have been warned.