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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Kerry and Madame Binh, Sitting in a Tree...

... planning Viet Nam Vets Against the War activities. (ok, I need to work on the rhythm.)

This election cycle's October Surprise MIGHT (48 Hour Rule in effect) brought to you by World Net Daily. (hattip to BC at the Rott, who got it from Russ who saw it on Wizbang. Got that? Good.)

The short version? There is (according to Jerome Corsi, who co-wrote Unfit for Command) 100% authenticated documentation that Vietnamese communists were manipulating and directing the anti-war group that Senator Kerry was involved with after his return from the war. (Go, read the article... I'll wait.)

Finished? OK... IF this is true... it could be big. It could break the election wide open.

Or, it will be shoved under the rug like everything else Kerry has done. (I mean, he probably received an other-than-honorable discharge, he committed treason by meeting with the enemy during wartime without permission, and he was a part of an organization that had to vote to decide if they should sanction the assassination of US government officials- and that's just the stuff that happened before he became an elected official.) Has the Main Scream Media touched on any of this? Nope. (OK- almost in their defense- his military record is almost untouchable as long as he refuses to sign Form 180, but... they should have been hammering on him to be more transparent. But that's asking too much, I guess.) IF (big IF) the MSM picks this up, it will be only to discredit it. It's what they do. (If this had been dirt on the President, they'd be all over it. Oh, well...)

It will be interesting to see where this goes, though... Very interesting, indeed.

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