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Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Hitting close to my old home

Michelle Malkin linked to a St. Louis blogger today, and the subject matter hit a little close to home.

My dad's cousins live in East St. Louis, and a couple of years ago, they were surprised to find out that their father and mother had voted. Surprised because Uncle Vinnie and Aunt Elaine passed away a LONG time ago. Then again, they also found out that they had voted, as well. Funny- they didn't remember voting.

They were told not to worry about it. It was no big deal. Yeah, right. That was gonna happen. They pushed the issue, and there was an investigation. It got wrapped up into the bigger investigations in the area. (FYI, the byline in that last piece is my hometown- where I was born and raised.)

What's truly sad about the whole thing is that no one is surprised by any of this (well, except for Elaine and Vinnie voting- that was a surprise!) Everyone knew that there was corruption in East St. Louis. In the same way that everyone knows there's voter trouble in Chicago and St. Louis on a regular basis, and Wisconsin and Washington in this last election. But nothing happens, nothing changes, unless someone rocks the boat. Until someone says "Enough is Enough!"

And, yeah, I'm proud that members of my family got involved. That's just cool.

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