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Saturday, February 12, 2005
Don't Even Think About It, Hubby
Got a steamy night planned for St. Valentine's Day? White Castle offers customers the opportunity to crave some love while they love the crave at (White Castle) locations on Monday, February 14.Now, before any of you guys get any bright ideas, DON'T. I don't care that you can buy them by the dozen. I don't care if they do taste good. I don't care that they're trying to make this seem romantic. This is not romance. This is a recipe for disaster. Please keep in mind that there is a very good reason why their little square bundles of grease are called such loving things as "Sliders", "Belly Bombers", and the Oh-so classy "Rectum Rockets." Let's just say that this will not put your SO "in the mood." Well, not the mood you want her in, anyway.Between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m., cravers will be greeted at the door by a host and taken to their own candle-lit table with decorations and table covers. They will receive table service complete with wait staff. Reservations are required.
"We hear many stories from married cravers for whom White Castle is a special part of their lives together, be it because they met at a White Castle or because when they were young it was a fun place to go that they could afford and it has remained so for them. With this history of 'royal' love affairs, a special Valentine's Day dinner at White Castle is a natural fit," said (a White Castle spokeperson) . "And our customers agree -- we start getting inquiries about the dinners in early autumn."
Trust me on this on, ok?
(And, in Hubby's defense, he never would think of something like this- he's not a WC fan. Well, that, and he knows I'd make his life miserable.)