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Monday, February 28, 2005

Fruits of Their Labors...

Well, it looks like that horrid little illegal war in Iraq (oh, sorry- channeling a moonbat again) has had some wonderful consequences.

It won't be this month, this year, or maybe even this decade, but... in time, President Bush, his Administration, and the Coallition he put together will be known as the guiding force behind the reforms that will change the landscape of the Middle East and maybe even the entire world.

No, democracy doesn't always work (at least, our brand of democracy), and you can't bring it at the end of a gun. But it is human nature to long to be free. All President Bush had to do was show it could be done, then let nature take its course.

(h/t to BC @ The Rott - thanks for the links and the great post!)

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