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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

NOT The Groningen Protocol

I guess the Forward Thinking™ of the Netherlands hasn't quite made it to Belgium.
BRUSSELS - Two doctors and a maternity nurse have been arrested over the death of a premature baby boy at the weekend.

The baby, who was six weeks premature and weighing only 1.25 kg, was born in a Namur hospital at 4am on Friday but died between 8 and 9am.

His parents had refused medical efforts to keep him alive, fearing that the child would be handicapped.
You see, if this baby had been born at the Groningen Hospital in the Netherlands, the nice doctors would have just given the tyke a nice little injection of muscle relaxers and put it out of everyone's misery.
Experts say the infant, who was breathing, could have survived with medical intervention and an inquiry has already been opened.... It is believed the mother, who works with handicapped children, was particularly sensitive to the difficulties these children face.... She may also face charges.
I will admit a certain bias (beyond the obvious "YOU JUST KILLED A LIVING, BREATHING BABY!!!" ) R was born premature, and my sister was born 6.5 weeks premie. I also had a cousin who was born 6 weeks premie, but she passed away when she was a week old- after they did everything in their power to save her. They didn't just leave her on a table to die. And, this baby could have possibly lived, and might NOT have been handicapped. But, we'll never know, because his parents were too afraid.

Once my initial "I can't believe they did that!" over this story calmed (but just a bit), I got to thinking. I'm not sure how many people know this, but this happens in the US. Not every day, but it does happen. If a baby is aborted, but is delivered alive, they leave it in a basin to die. There is no attempt to make the baby more comfortable until it passes, no attempt to get it to a hospital, where it might get the treatment it needs to live. They just leave it. The same as this baby in Brussels.

Why aren't the doctors in the US charged with infanticide like the doctors and nurse in Belgium? Because law enforcement isn't allowed to go in and have a look. They're not allowed, in many cases, to investigate. After all, privacy rights and all that.

And, I'll put good money that those well-meaning medical professionals at the "women's clinics" around the country don't let the women see the baby if it's born alive. I mean, they might actually change their minds, like this woman did after her baby refused to die.

I can't say that my heart goes out to this couple because of their loss. It doesn't. They made the choice to kill their child, because they were afraid. My heart goes out to that baby- and to all the other babies like him.

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