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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

They're not serious, are they?

Imigration officials don't know why illegal immigrants don't bother showing up for their court dates.
When an illegal alien is apprehended, he is issued a Notice to Appear in immigration court at a specified date, usually within six months or less. At the time of apprehension, ICE decides whether the individual should be detained in the time leading to the court date. If the person has a criminal record or is perceived as a threat to national security, he will be placed in a detention facility. If not, the person is released, with or without bond, depending on whether he is considered a flight risk.

Reached in Washington, D.C., ICE spokesman Manny Van Pelt was not able to offer any conclusive answer for the high rate of delinquency.

"From a practical sense, the reason why people fail to show up is individual to each person," he said. "I couldn’t tell you why; we don’t really look at it that deeply."

What kind of rocket scientists do they have working at the ICE? Could it be maybe, just maybe, they know they have no legal grounds for being in the United States, but they want to stay?

Six months to the hearing? Not held in detention until then? Not monitored? And we wonder why everyone is so cynical about imigration in this country.

I've decided that I wouldn't be a very benevolent dictator in my perfect world. You're caught... you can't prove you're a citizen... you've got 48 hours... but you're staying in jail- someone else has to bring your proof. You prove you're allowed to be in the country, fine. You don't prove it- you're on a bus to the nearest border. Buh-bye.

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