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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

This Would Be a Very Bad Thing

Leaders of a U.N. Internet panel yesterday said they hope to set up a global system where cyberspace would be under the control of the United Nations.

The committee, which was set up in December 2003, is laying the groundwork for the U.N.-sponsored World Summit on the Information Society where a final decision on the control of the Net will be determined, stated a Reuters report. The summit will take place in Tunis in November.

There are very very few things the UN does well. What? You want me to name one? uh... umm... hold on, I'm thinking... let me get back to you on that one...
ICANN, the International Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, currently is the most recognizable Internet governing body, but developing countries want a U.N. agency, such as the International Telecommunication Union, to have control over domain names and other issues.
Of course developing countries want a UN agency to take care of it. They rely on the UN for everything. Are they allowed to breathe without UN permission?

Hey... I thought of one thing the UN didn't totally botch. The ITU set up the country code system for telephone numbers. But wait... the ITU did that before they were part of the UN... n'er mind.

We probably need some form of international law/policy for the Internet, so that we can prosecute spammers and the like. Unfortunately, the UN is run my thugs and dictators- not the kind of people we want in charge of one of the greatest tools Free Speech has ever known. That would just be... bad.

Very. Very. Bad.

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