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Monday, April 04, 2005

It Is Finished... for now...

Since I'm almost over my cold, I decided to enlist the help of my slave labor wonderful children (and then Hubby when it came time to use the really big power tools) to plant some flowers.

The original plan was to plant two Joseph's Coat roses in front of the window on the side of the house (to provide a little privacy). So, I ordered the roses online because they are almost impossible to come by in the Austin area. When they came in, I went to the store to pick up a trellis and some mulch and compost and all that fun stuff.

I started thinking while wandering through Home Depot... if I put the roses on the side of the house, no one will see them. And they are really pretty roses. So... what to do... what to do... hey, look! Star Jasmine is on sale... I could put those on the trellis by the window... then where to plant the roses??? By the front porch, of course. Everyone will see them there. OK, lemme grab a couple of star jasmine, some snapdragons (for color by the window) and a trellis.

That was Friday. The boys helped me clear out a patch of the lawn for the star jasmine and helped me plant them as the sun was setting Friday night. Then I started planning the flower bed where the roses would be. But, wait... there's that really ugly holly bush by the front door... that will completely block the view of the roses. And it's really ugly... so... we'll just move it. Oh, the roots are how deep? *grabs the phone* Hey, R, can we borrow your chainsaw? Thanks.

OK... so I have this plan. Saturday I get a chunk of the bed cleared and the Joseph's Coats planted (along with 2 mini-rose bushes). Nothing else to be done until the ugly bush goes bye-bye.

Yesterday (Sunday), Hubby hacked the bush into pieces down to the ground. The root system on that beast was huge, so we just left it as is. I cleared out the rest of the bed area (only 3 fire ant bites) and planted 3 more mini bushes and a "pinata" rose (seems like it will compliment the Joseph's Coats).

Here are some pics:

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Yeah, I know. You can't really see the Joseph's Coats in that picture... right now, they're little more than green sticks poking out of the ground. I'll post new pics once they start growing.

Which brings us to today. My back announced to me that it had been nice to me long enough. I think it was that last bag of mulch that did me in. Gotta love Flexeril and heating pads.

UPDATE: When I went out to water the flowers this evening, I noticed the beginning of little stems on the Joseph's Coats. Already! That is so cool!

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