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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The Salami Have Landed

FoxNews is just a fount of information today. This story is just... cool...
Brothers Marc and Michael Brummer figure the best way they can help support U.S. troops stationed in Iraq is to try to feed them — thousands of them.

The co-owners of Hobby's Deli hope to send salami to the entire 42nd Infantry Division, currently in Tikrit.
So... these brothers started Operation Salami Drop, with the goal of sending 23,000 one pound salami to the troops. The first 2000 salami were shipped last week, and they arrived yesterday in Tikrit. There are 2,500 in their store, ready to go, and 5,000 more on order.

"We know there are a bunch of homesick men and women over there, and to be able to do something. ... How do you put words to it? You have to do something. I can do salamis," Marc Brummer said... All have been purchased with donations of $10 per salami, including a 13-year-old girl who donated $1,000 from her bat mitzvah money.

I have heard about all kinds of cool programs for sending stuff to the troops (the gourmet coffee is a cool one). Our church has a campaign to send care packages to the troops. But this one is by far the most unique that I've heard about.

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