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Monday, July 04, 2005

A Military Ball

The Ladies of the Cotillion decided to honor our milbloggers who are defending the freedoms we celebrate today. Some are funny, some are serious, but all of these bloggers keep us connected, even if in just a little way, with the military.

So... I'm wandering through the MilBlogs Community, and come across a few names I hadn't heard before... Graham's Journal... Going Down Range... Firepower Forward... Click on a few links... hey, why have I NOT heard of these guys? They're good...

Graham recently gave a moving tribute to three men from Bravo Battery. So often, for those of us who are Stateside, it's difficult to put a personal touch to the losses in war. But, as he points out, we shouldn't forget...
Everyone in America should know that these three were good guys who really deserved better. I know it's hard for average Joe American to find room in his heart for sympathy for three guys when the death toll for this war tops sixteen hundred. But one shouldn't give into the temptation to dwell only on numbers and forget the individual sacrifices made.
B from Going Down Range has some very cool photos from Afghanistan, as well as some very good commentary. And I love his quotes!!
Quote: “It might develop into a JDAM party.”
Quote: When you run out a whooa, call an air strike.
Firepower 5 is also in Afghanistan. His description of "Stalag 17" and his obvious... um... dislike for certain other branches of the military...
I have come to make peace. I hereby retract every evil, mean, or snide comment I have made about the Air Force. I will hereby render proper respect to our Nomex clad brethren and will no longer use the term “Crew Rest” in a disparaging manner. I now see the true mastery of their evil genius and stand in awe of their diabolical ways. I truly did not appreciate the breadth and depth of the vindictive power of his unholiness, the Evil Flight Planning Voo-Doo Witchdoctor until I saw Short the Great wither, reduced to near madness at the stroke of a button.
...well, his posts swing from hilarious to serious and hit everything in between.

Gentlemen, thank you for your service to our country. Thank you for putting your lives on the line so that we can be free.

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