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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Sorry 'Bout That...

Sorry about the lack of posting the past couple of days. Been kinda busy. But only kinda. Kinda been a slug, too...

Took T1 for a follow-up with his eye doctor. He has a sore right smack dab in the middle of his cornea. More eye drops, less swimming for a while. If all goes well, he'll get to change to a different eye drop on Thursday when he goes back. Yips. Really.

Tonight is small group, and... well, we're going on the road. We're going to the Funnel Cake Carnival. Hope they don't mind us having a Bible study there. Oh, well...

Tomorrow... not much of a chance of posting, most likely. The boys and I are headed to Tinyville to visit the clan TwoDragon. You never know, though... I might be inspired.

So... check out the blogroll in the meantime.

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