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Friday, August 26, 2005

Oh, Great! Now She's Got a Commercial!

I just saw Cindy Sheehan's commercial on, of all places, FoxNews. Same whining, new format.

Ms. Sheehan, do you really think that President Bush doesn't know how you feel about him and this war? Do you really think that Casey's friends, the ones who are still in the military, still fighting for freedom, don't know what you think of them and that you think that Casey's killers are freedom fighters?

As for the commercial itself... it's not going to sway anyone. If they're anti-war, I'm sure it will pump them up. If they're pro-Iraqi freedom, then it will probably pump them up, too. And, well... this is going to sound incredibly cruel, but as someone who has to pay attention to camera shots once in a while, they got a little too close with the close-up on Ms. Sheehan. Reminded me of the quote from Tootsie... "How do you feel about Cleveland?" (if you've seen the movie, you'll get it... if you haven't, I'm not going to explain it... and, no... it has nothing to do with her physical appearance- it has to do with the camera work... nothing more... nothing less...)

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