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Thursday, December 15, 2005

They're Not Being Arrested... Why?

I saw this the other day, and I had to let my anger settle a bit. It won't go away. It can't.

An eleven-year-old girl went into Planned Parenthood. She had been raped. The kind, compassionate folks at PP helped her deal with "the aftermath", and never informed her parents or the police. Here's the girl's letter to them, thanking them for their "help":
I was raped at 11, by my 17 year old boyfriend. I chose not to tell my parents because I didn't think their involvement would help, that was the right choice for me. Planned Parethood helped me deal with the aftermath of the rape allowing me to deal and cope as best as I could in my own way. I was 14 when I decided to start having sex, the day I made that choice I made an appointment to get birth control pills. I'm 17 now, I've been with my current boyfriend for about two years. During that time i've been HIV and STD tested four times. Right now I'm sitting in the waiting room while my boyfriend gets the results for his HIV test. We love each other so we're responsible and Planned Parenthood helps us to do that.
Let's see... covering up a felony sex crime... providing prescription medication to a minor... medical procedures on a minor without parental consent... And they want you to send "Choice on Earth" cards. The people who did this should be sending out Choice cards, from behind bars.

This child needed help, and she needed justice. She needed the support of her family during her ordeal. But no, she was told that she didn't need any of that- she had her friends at Planned Parenthood. At 14, with obviously little or no guidance from anyone with moral authority, she decides to start having sex, demeaning the ultimate act of love and committment, as well as herself. At 17, she and her boyfriend are being tested routinely for HIV and STDs, because they are "responsible" and "love each other." Maybe, if she was really responsible, she'd wait until she found the love of her life, the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with. But, no, her "friends" at Planned Parenthood have told her over and over that the idea of waiting is just plain dumb and to do what feels good.

Where will she be in 5 years? 10 years? Will they be there for her then?

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