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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Even a Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day...
... so it shouldn't be too surprising if Chris Matthews gets something right once in a while.
Newsbusters (the blog of the Media Research Center) makes mention of Carole Keeton Strayhorn's appearance on Hardball last night. Here's some of what Ian had to say about it:
She didn't leave the Republican party because she's mad. According to her own radio ads, she hasn't stopped being a Republican. She didn't decide to run as an Independent for Governor because of corruption, but she did make that decision because of Rick Perry. You see, she can't win the primary as a Republican. It's not that Perry is so popular... it's because she's so... unpopular.
Matthews will always try to make the Republicans look evil. It's his job. I guess I'm just a little bummed because I wish someone would call Strayhorn onto the carpet and ask her tough questions about her record and her motives. Then again, I wishOne Tough Grandma One Whiny Biddy would just retire into the sunset. I've only lived in Texas for 9 years, and I'm way past tired of her.
Newsbusters (the blog of the Media Research Center) makes mention of Carole Keeton Strayhorn's appearance on Hardball last night. Here's some of what Ian had to say about it:
Matthews, however, took her party change as a sign of anger with the Republican Party because it is "corrupt". Matthews brought up the subject of her party change many times during the interview and repeatedly tried to get her to say she left the party because of corruption, as if she had an ulterior motive. At one point in the interview he tried to link current Governor, Rick Perry (R) with Jack Abramoff and Tom DeLay.I'll admit it... I didn't see Hardball last night. As a matter of fact, I don't think I've ever seen Hardball. That being said...
The interview included questions like “Did you leave the Republican party because of Rick Perry?”, “Are you a conservative”, and “Do you feel that Republicans have left their fiscal conservative roots”.
She didn't leave the Republican party because she's mad. According to her own radio ads, she hasn't stopped being a Republican. She didn't decide to run as an Independent for Governor because of corruption, but she did make that decision because of Rick Perry. You see, she can't win the primary as a Republican. It's not that Perry is so popular... it's because she's so... unpopular.
Matthews will always try to make the Republicans look evil. It's his job. I guess I'm just a little bummed because I wish someone would call Strayhorn onto the carpet and ask her tough questions about her record and her motives. Then again, I wish