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Monday, January 09, 2006
Ew... but it looks like a fake...
Yahoo News had this AP photo of a newborn kitten born with only one eye and no nose.
Sorry, but I'm throwing the brown flag on this one. Newborn kittens don't open their eyes for anywhere from five days to two weeks, depending on the breed. And, even if you ignore that fact, newborn kittens' eyes are no where near that large.
PHOTO has been removed due to massive bandwidth problems. Click the link to see it.
This is more than likely a sick Photoshop trick. I'd bet $1 (I'm not big on gambling) that the owner destroyed the kitten's body, thereby making independent varification impossible. (Here are photos of real one-eyed cats)
What's funny (in a "y'all are a bunch of idiots" kind of way) is that AP and YahooNews believed it without other proof.