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Thursday, January 19, 2006

Oh, Joy! They Found a "Missing Link"

"Scientists" (sorry- I have a problem calling them that seriously when they come up with stuff like this) have made a major discovery- your ear... you know, that thing you HEAR with... evolved from a fish's gill... you know, that thing they BREATHE with.
Your ability to hear relies on a structure that got its start as a gill opening in fish, a new study reveals.

Humans and other land animals have special bones in their ears that are crucial to hearing. Ancient fish used similar structures to breathe underwater...

...In the other fish, Eusthenopteron, a small bone called the hyomandibula developed a kink and obstructed the gill opening, called a spiracle.

However, in early land animals such as the tetrapod Acanthostega, this bone has receded, creating a larger cavity in what is now part of the middle ear in humans and other animals.
This makes perfect sense. Why didn't anyone think of this early? It's so clear to me now. I guess it doesn't really matter that fish have a separate organ for hearing. Our hearing must have evolved from what is, effectively, their noses.

My ear, with its delicate detail and multi-function reliability, didn't come from a fish's gill. That isn't even a logical conclusion. Our bodies are amazingly complex systems (so are fish anatomy, for that matter), but it always adheres to the rule of "form follows functions." It's illogical to believe that not only was there a species jump (several of them), but that over the course of those jumps, an organ completely changed functions.

There is such a thing as survival of the fittest (anyone who's made it through high school can tell you that). And there is a type of evolution- adaptations to the environment that are passed from generation to generation. I used to believe in Intelligent Design- that there was a Creator who directed the course of evolution over billions of years. As I learn more, I can't believe that the Creator would be party to such confusion and far-reaching guesses (which is all these researchers have done).

I still believe in an Intelligent Designer... which is why I can't believe in evolution...

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