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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Getting a Little Hot Above The Collar
With all due respect to Jarheads everywhere, these guys are a few candies short of a full jar... or a few fries short of a Happy Meal... or... you get the idea.
Lance Cpl. Athanasios Genos, 22, a combat correspondent for the 2nd Marine Division out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., took a break from missions the other day and experienced something new: a haircut and massage at the Turkish-run Marine Express barber at Camp Fallujah, Iraq.You know... most people try to avoid singeing their hair. Then again... most people aren't Marines.
Not so unusual?
Part of the full haircut, shampoo and massage service, which runs $9 total, includes an Arab tradition of dipping a cotton swab into alcohol, setting it on fire and tapping the customers’ ears and neck area to burn away tiny hairs.