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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

IQ Doesn't Mean Much, Does It?

Being a member of Mensa is supposed to mean something, right? It means that you're smarter than 98% of the population. OK, maybe not as smart... you have a higher IQ than 98% of the population. There seems to be a wide gap between high IQs and smarts.

Case in point: Sharon Stone. According to her publicist, she's a member of Mensa with an IQ of 148 or 154 (depending on which press release you pick up). (A Mensa spokesperson pointed out that she's never been a member... oops... ) This fine specimen of brainiac power has been more than willing to share her wisdom with the world. Here are some of her best tidbits of brainiacism:
Uh... dang... I feel so... intellectually inadequate... NOT.

I wish I could remember the context, but a group of us (mostly bloggers, some not) were chatting, and Mensa came up in the conversation. Then general concensus was that most of us could be members of Mensa... very few of us had any desire at all to be members. We know our IQs... and we don't really care if anyone else does or not.

Says something, doesn't it?

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