To read the tribute to SFC Marcus Muralles, please click here
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Living the Delusion
No man is happy without a delusion of some kind. Delusions are as necessary to our happiness as realities. -- Bovee.We ran into the mother of one of the boys' friends today at The Evil Big Box Store of Doomâ„¢ (I should really buy stock in that particular little company.) While we were chatting in the shoe department, T1 wanders over, and she said, "oh, my, he's taller than you." I pointed out that I had on flip flops, and he had on real shoes, and that's probably why. "Barely."
Shush... my babies aren't old enough to be taller than me. Taller than Mugga, yes... Me? no way.
My delusion. Deal with it.