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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
News That Caught My Eye
I don't feel like ranting about immigration or the war or anything like that today, so I found a few tidbits in the news that need a little commentary... here we go:
- "Rats are more valuable than people," according to PETA. (I have this strange feeling that telling people that you're against animal testing even if it could save AIDS patients isn't going to endear you to some of your liberal fans... just sayin'... )
- The Dems are demanding that the deadline for seasoned citizens to enroll for the Rx plan be extended. (Six months isn't long enough? Maybe most of those 7 million who haven't enrolled have a better plan with their private insurance...)
- President Bush's detailed itinerary was found... in the trash... hours before his visit... (the Secret Service is trying to downplay this... so is the White House... this is just plain scary... if that had gotten into the wrong hands... seriously not good...)
- The Rolling Stones are saying that Keith Richards did not suffer any brain damage due to his recent fall and subsequent surgery. (No offense intended, but... with all of the self-medication he's down with who-knows how many different chemicals... how can you tell?)
- Several species of flies in Hawaii are given Federal protection. (Flies? They're protecting flies? uh... um... sorry- I'm still grabbing the swatter if one gets in the house.)
- The Big Boom in Vegas has been postponed because Native American tribes "downwind" are worried that the explosion will kick up radioactive dust. (That, and some folks are whining because it's just "a surrogate for a low-yield nuclear "bunker-buster" bomb"... and that's bad... why?)