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Monday, April 16, 2007

The Ziggurat Con

I'm not a gamer geek, but I live with some, so I can pretend that I know something about cons. For those of you who know even less than I do about game cons, it's a chance for gamers to get together and... well... play games. RPGs (role playing games) mostly, but you do get a random board or card game once in a while.

Why do I mention something that I know next to nothing about? Because on June 9th, the con world will turn an interesting shade of desert camouflage.
When President Bush ordered troops to Iraq, he probably never imagined that he would be ultimately be responsible for what very well could be the very first D&D convention/game day ever held in a war zone. Ziggurat Con, being held June 9 from 1200 to 2100 hours at Camp Adder/Tallil Airbase, is open to all allied military personnel and civilian contractors in Iraq.
What does this have to do with you? Well... they need a little help.
The largest problem with running a Con in Iraq, of course, is that there are no local stores or game publishers, and few game books on the post. Even dice are in short supply, with many soldiers breaking the unwritten taboo held by many gamers and (gasp!) sharing dice. Thankfully, many game publishers have also lent their support, and have agreed to supply game products to help the Con along. aethereal FORGE, Sovereign Press, Final Redoubt Press, Goodman Games, Paizo Publishing and Steve Jackson Games are among those that have thrown in their support for the convention. But Amberson indicated that the soldiers could definitely use more.

"This convention is currently in drastic need of prizes and giveaways for the troops," he said. "Everything donated will go directly to the troops, or to MWR to use as loaner books for the soldiers."

For more information, contact SPC David Amberson at the following address: david.amberson (at)

There's also a snail mail address for sending in goodies.

Come on. I know a few of you are gamer geeks. You know you want to help a fellow gamer. Right?

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