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Friday, September 07, 2007
Quick Roundup
News today is a tad sparse, but here's what I've come up with so far:
- AlQ is promising a "gift" on the anniversary of the "blessed invasion of Manhattan." As a pre-gift, they offer up a new video of Osama bin Laden. Have a look at this screen shot, compared to a video taken in 2004. Grecian Formula, Osama?
- I guess Islamists just aren't fashion conscious (unless you're Osama with his makeover.)
- The UN High Commissioner on Human Rights was hanging out with Imanutjob, and everyone's shocked that she ignored all the human rights violations going on under her nose. Why they're shocked I'll never know.
- Speaking of the UN and human rights... who better to investigate atrocities in Darfur than an expert on the subject? If by "an expert on the subject" you mean someone suspected of ferrying arms to the Janjwid militia and inciting genocide, that is.
- Do guardian angels get paid over time?
- Mexican trucks on US soil... why do I get the feeling that the Teamsters aren't going to be happy about that.
- A woman got booted off a Southwest Airlines flight because she was dressed inappropriately. I'm all in favor of more modesty, but I think they went a bit too far. While her skirt is a bit short, I have to agree with the gentleman in this video who pointed out that they probably need to worry about smell more than skin. And... why did she have to leave the plane? Couldn't they have found her a different seat?
- Hey... wouldn't offering ID cards to illegal aliens make it easier to round them up and send them home? Just a thought...
- Wow... it's so bad at Gitmo that former detainees are longing for the good old days back on the island.
- Talk about an explosive relationship.
- Oh, yeah... that's the kind of message I'd like to find when I wake up in the morning. NOT.
- What do you want to bet that they'll never find out who attacked this poor, pathetic man? (I mean... really... do you honestly think the police are even looking?)
- Hsu was found in Colorado. Why Colorado? I was thinking either Hong Kong or a small park near DC.
- Evidently President Bush's Korean is a little rusty. Lost in translation, eh?
- I don't think I needed to know that Senator Obama snores. (Thanks, Bill... it's all your fault.)
- Dennis the Menace was mistaken. He did bless the occupation... by his absence. (Let's add him to the list of people who have committed treason... or at least sedition.)
- What is the deal with Teddy singing? And we thought his singing in Spanish was bad.
- Yes, I'm a total homer, and, if it's true, Ankiel shouldn't have taken HGH at all. That being said, if he stopped taking it prior to the ban, what's the problem? They can't do anything about it now... can they?
- Please tell me Louisville will go down in the polls after this.
- Although I question the intelligence of people who need to study these things, I also have to ponder if parents of toddlers (or teenagers, for that matter) will necessarily agree with the findings. ( I pondered it myself, considering how many times I've referred to my own little cherubs as "monkeys.")
- This study makes sense. They make it sound a tad more petty than it really is, though. I think that people want to live in nice, secure areas, and there are several factors that weigh in on our perception of what's "nice" and "secure." Having neighbors of the same race could be one of those factors. So could education or income levels.
- If by "evolution" they mean how early man changed from nomad to farmer, then this is a no-brainer. (I'm
a littledoubtful on the time-frame, though... but I won't pick too many nits.) - Do roaming charges apply?