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Monday, November 05, 2007
Football and... Global Warming???
Before I start on my mini-rant, let's get some congrats and thank yous out of the way. Thank you to the teams who made me 5-0 in the football challenge for the 2nd straight week (we'll see where I place, based on the "wild-guess" questions from the Longhorns' game). And congrats to fellow Sooner Adrian Peterson for running for a new record (I think he's still running, actually).
OK... now for the rant.
This week, NBC is having "Green Week." They're spreading the Global Warming propaganda as fast as their pointy little heads can come up with the lies. That includes such need things as sending reporters to "the end of the Earth"- Matt Lauer to Alaska, Al Roker to a Central American jungle, and Ann Curry to Antarctica. (I'm sure they'll address the fact that they had to use a whole lot of natural resources to get those three... and their crews... to those isolated locales- I just don't really care about them enough to find out. And do I really need to get into the fact that, as a sphere, there is no "end of the earth"??? ) This carries on in one way or another throughout NBC's programming this week. Aren't you excited? I knew you would be. (Oh... I'm sure they'll be careful to provide accurate information on global warming, expressing both the contentions of the faithful as well as the scientific evidence of the skeptics... not.)
What does this have to do with football? In NBC's minds (and I use the term loosely), a whole bunch. When they went to the half-time report, the lights were off at the studio... on purpose. There were candles and flashlights on the desk to dimly illuminate the set. (The good news being that you couldn't see Olby's ugly mug.) They explained that by not having the lights on for the halftime report, they were saving enough energy to light a house for a month. Then, after a brief football report, they cut to Matt Lauer in front of something vaguely resembling an igloo somewhere in Alaska. (No, I don't know how much energy they were wasting lighting that shot... in the middle of nowhere at night in Alaska. hmmm... I wonder how much of that precious Artic ice they melted with those high-powered lights...) The entire segment was a pretentious PR stunt with no real environmental value. If NBC were serious about saving energy, they would have demanded that the NFL play the game during the day to avoid using the stadium lighting... or just get rid of MSNBC.
Now, before I'm branded a "nut" for not buying The Goracle's sermon hook, line, and sinker, I do believe that we may be in a time of (SLIGHT) global warming- as in, humanity might be keeping the earth out of an Ice Age... maybe... And I do believe in common sense conservation based on science, not hysteria. I'm not all about goofy stunts and fallacy-filled proselytism. One is responsible... the other, not so much.
So... instead of pointing out alternative power sources for lighting (solar powered batteries, for instance... just to name one), they joked around in candle light and probably really influenced a lot of people's opinions... away from taking global warming nuts seriously. Good job, NBC. Keep up the good work.
OK... now for the rant.
This week, NBC is having "Green Week." They're spreading the Global Warming propaganda as fast as their pointy little heads can come up with the lies. That includes such need things as sending reporters to "the end of the Earth"- Matt Lauer to Alaska, Al Roker to a Central American jungle, and Ann Curry to Antarctica. (I'm sure they'll address the fact that they had to use a whole lot of natural resources to get those three... and their crews... to those isolated locales- I just don't really care about them enough to find out. And do I really need to get into the fact that, as a sphere, there is no "end of the earth"??? ) This carries on in one way or another throughout NBC's programming this week. Aren't you excited? I knew you would be. (Oh... I'm sure they'll be careful to provide accurate information on global warming, expressing both the contentions of the faithful as well as the scientific evidence of the skeptics... not.)
What does this have to do with football? In NBC's minds (and I use the term loosely), a whole bunch. When they went to the half-time report, the lights were off at the studio... on purpose. There were candles and flashlights on the desk to dimly illuminate the set. (The good news being that you couldn't see Olby's ugly mug.) They explained that by not having the lights on for the halftime report, they were saving enough energy to light a house for a month. Then, after a brief football report, they cut to Matt Lauer in front of something vaguely resembling an igloo somewhere in Alaska. (No, I don't know how much energy they were wasting lighting that shot... in the middle of nowhere at night in Alaska. hmmm... I wonder how much of that precious Artic ice they melted with those high-powered lights...) The entire segment was a pretentious PR stunt with no real environmental value. If NBC were serious about saving energy, they would have demanded that the NFL play the game during the day to avoid using the stadium lighting... or just get rid of MSNBC.
Now, before I'm branded a "nut" for not buying The Goracle's sermon hook, line, and sinker, I do believe that we may be in a time of (SLIGHT) global warming- as in, humanity might be keeping the earth out of an Ice Age... maybe... And I do believe in common sense conservation based on science, not hysteria. I'm not all about goofy stunts and fallacy-filled proselytism. One is responsible... the other, not so much.
So... instead of pointing out alternative power sources for lighting (solar powered batteries, for instance... just to name one), they joked around in candle light and probably really influenced a lot of people's opinions... away from taking global warming nuts seriously. Good job, NBC. Keep up the good work.