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Friday, February 08, 2008
Round and Round
Here are some links y'all might be interested in:
- Rowan Williams' idea of instituting sharia law is being shot down all over the UK. My kids have been studying the Crusades. I wonder what the Crusaders who died to free Europe from the Muslims would say about the Archbishop's idea...
- Just say "NO!!!!!"
- I'm glad he changed his mind. This is why no "anti-terrorism" plan will work perfectly. There is no way to prevent a lone psycho gunman from wrecking havoc.
- The California Exodus project is trying to get 600,000 students out of the California public school system. While I applaud their intentions, I fear that too many parents are too set in their ways (or are too lazy or... whatever) to contemplate anything other than letting the state
educateindoctrinate their children. - Throwing pencils is battery? My kids throw pencils at each other all the time. Their teacher has more inventive punishments than getting arrested... lack of electronic entertainment and/or cleaning of comodes usually does the trick. (The comments are great!)
- Chinese astrologers may know as much about investments as some of the morons handing out advice these days.
- I am SHOCKED! Shocked, I tell you. A member of the Jena 6 was arrested for "assault causing bodily injury." Again.
- This might sound like an odd question in light of the severity of the story, but... did all that sugar liquefy into culinary napalm?
- Two diesel tankers (full, of course) were stolen in Virginia.
- DNA evidence is keeping criminals behind bars longer. um... maybe this is a silly question, but... why don't they use that evidence to convict them of those crimes as well? Or are we talking statute of limitations?
- I really hope it takes more than one speech for conservatives to roll over. (I wonder just how many of the GOP base agrees with Mona Charen. I mean, besides me.)
- Ron Paul is less of a nut than 99.9% of his backers. And he's right a lot of the time. It's when he's wrong that he's really scary.
- Wow... a reporter reveals the dirty little not-secret- reporters are biased. He still argues that they can be neutral... I think he's wrong... no, I know he's wrong...
- Hillary owes this guy $500. Bad PR, Hill... bad PR...
- Dr. Dobson is endorsing Mike Huckabee. Why?
- We can blame our sweet tooth on evolution! Awesome!
- Laser beams from space. Nope... nothing can go wrong with that idea... (I tried to link to the original article, but I don't read Japanese... sorry.)
- Perpetual motion?
- Ethanol may not be the savior the global warming crowd thought it was.
- Pedro Martinez is in trouble with PETA for doing something legal in his home country. While I don't condone it (on the contrary- I actually condemn animal cruelty, which this definitely is) he shouldn't get in trouble with MLB because it's legal. Maybe PETA should go to the Dominican Republic and tell them they should stop the fighting and that the entire nation should attend an "animal sensitivity training". Let's see how that goes.
- Yet another reason why guys should never control the remote.