To read the tribute to SFC Marcus Muralles, please click here
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Here are some links to get the mind moving this morning:
- What's in a name?
- This news will be pounced on by those who have no clue how capitalism works. Seriously... the government makes more money off of each gallon of gas than the oil companies do, and yet no politicians want to strip the government of its profits.
- And $200 barrel prices (by speculators... no once actually pays that much per barrel) sounds like fun, no? (The spokescritter for OPEC is right- if they up production, it won't change supply in the US- we are at 100% capacity for the refineries we have. We need more refineries.)
- What will gangs NOT use as a symbol? Geez...
- Things are looking a little better for Lt. Col. Chessani, but he's not out of the woods yet.
- Reason #45897345873489573 that my kids are homeschooled.
- As if we needed more proof that China will sell weapons to just about anyone. I just wonder if anyone will let it dock.
- I don't think this is the most horrific crime ever... but it's close. Darn close.
- Until now, I've intentionally not posted on the FLDS fiasco in Eldorado. Mostly because everyone is wrong in this situation. Now, it appears that 31 of the girls (ages 14-17) have been pregnant. They were "married" with their parents' permission, which would be enough for the State, except that polygamous marriage is illegal, so "spiritual marriages" don't count. Slippery slope all around.
- Why is the only thing that stuck out to me in this story is that there were noodles at a Taco Bell? Where did they come from?
- Reason #45897345873489574 why my kids are homeschooled. Zero tolerance run amok again.
- Hard lemonade gets a dad in trouble. That's a little overboard, IMO.
- Talk about a vacation memory. Poor Sharky.
- Sanity reigns at SCOTUS. Liberal whining in 3...2...1...
- Wright links: Rev. Wright spent the weekend in front of microphones. Instead of commenting on his insanity, just read it for yourself. Craziness. (Bonus: Here's where Wright's theology comes from.)
- Senator Clinton won't be deposed until after the election. Anyone surprised? Didn't think so.
- Paultards are trying to mess with the GOP, and, unfortunately, it looks like they're succeeding from time to time. He's still not going to get a speech at the convention.
- Chris Matthews might run for Congress (even though he says no ). That would be fun.
- NC Governor Easley is confused if he thinks Hillary "gets" anything.
- Looks like everyone knew that using ethanol would cause corn scarcity. (Check the dates on those links.) Thanks, Goracle.
- It's just trying out for American Idol.
- Calamari anyone?
- Not really news. Cola is bad for your bones.
- Cue Planet of the Apes music.
- Why don't they do studies like this near me?
- Why does this matter? I guess in a defamation case, everything's fair game, but this seems... reaching. Or maybe I just don't care. He's disappointed just about everyone already.
- How do you injure a pec running?
- Here's an awesome story about good sportsmanship.
- Terrell Owens is getting sued. He does owe them money, doesn't he?
- Comic-book-turned-movie laws.
- Mowing the lawn in a dress is quite the fashion statement... for a guy...
- Don't draw a gun on someone who might draw back.
- Sharkies must be hungry.
- I guess this is one way to boost morale.
- Technically, this is news of the weird. Bizarre.
- Paging Jerry Springer.
- You know, there was a joke about April Fools Day being an atheist holiday. I never realized the judge in the story was serious.