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Thursday, July 10, 2008
Get Your News Here
Let's take a look at the headlines, shall we?
- Good call. I would find it humorous if it wasn't so depressing that they had to go to court in order to tell a pregnant woman the truth.
- The Pentagon is re-opening the bidding for the tanker contracts. Good.
- Senator Durbin does his stopped clock impersonation.
- I think a suspension is a bit much in this case.
- Isn't this a freedom of religion issue? I may not agree with his religious choices, but he's free to make them.
- But... but... I always thought it was an astronomical phenomenon.
- Jesse has issues with the Obamessiah.
- Speaking of Obama, his plan to campaign in Germany has ruffled some feathers.
- Tony Gonzalez is a hero in someone's book. (It's cool that it was Gonzalez that saved the guy, but I'm not real enthused about all the people just sitting there, staring, like they had no clue what to do. Then again, most of them probably didn't know. Pathetic. I'm glad at least one person- especially one with the strength to do it correctly- was there.)
- Mark Mulder threw a total of 16 pitches in last night's Cards' loss. Like we need fewer pitchers...
- Here's a list of reasons that baseball is "rigged" for Lefties.
- We'd save energy if we were all skinny. (Yeah, it's a couple of months old, but I don't think I posted the link before.)
- This cartoon by Bob Lang says so much:
- Hey! Al Gore can now honestly say that he created something- crazy people!!!
- Mt. Shasta's glacier is growing. But... but... global warming! Right?
- Speaking of global warming, politicians are still just a smidge behind the science.
- UPDATE: It looks like President Bush has a bit of a backbone left. He's going to "think about" halving emissions by 2050, and he left the conference by saying, "Goodbye from the world's biggest polluter." Granted, he was wrong on that point. That was one reason he didn't agree to all the global warming drivel they wanted to endorse at the summit- the other big polluters were not going to be held accountable. Hold everyone to the same standards, and we'll think about common sense actions. See how easy that is?
- Burps? I thought it was cow farts that had all the methane.
- Now here's a conservation idea that makes sense.
- Let me guess. They can't figure out how this happens. It's the same reason so many kids are born in December. Do the math.
- A future Darwin Award winner. She's just practicing now.
- The airline was right to pull them off of the plane. IF the kids calmed down, then they probably should have tried to put them on a different plane. But, in the end, it was the mother's fault. I don't care how excited my kids got when they were little, they behaved themselves 99% of the time.When they disobeyed, they were disciplined. And they definitely didn't run around on an airplane in flight.
- A-Rod, according to a magazine, says he's in love with Madonna. Well, at least the feeling is mutual (they both love Madonna, that is).
- Honestly, I'm disappointed that she couldn't hit a sleeping target. Granted, I have no idea what their story is or anything, I just know that she shot the mattress. How can you not hit a sleeping target?
- Maybe he should just take it up with The Author.