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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Prayers for the Election

I kind of dropped the ball when it came to writing posts leading up the election encouraging prayer for the election. The last few weeks would have been "just keep praying," which was important. I just didn't have much more to say.

In two days, our nation officially goes to the polls. (According to Travis County stats, we are going to have a HUGE turnout here, and a larger than expected percentage of registered voters have taken advantage of early voting.) There are groups of people gathering at various times over the next 72 hours (until polls close in Hawaii) to prayer for our nation. Before I explain how I will be praying, I'd like to give you a few verses about government, leadership, and citizenship. (All verses of ESV.)
I know I threw a lot of verses at you... and that's not even all of the ones I have, honestly. The prayer suggestions I list below are based on those verses, for the most part.
Did I forget anything? Let me know additional Bible verses and prayer requests/suggestions in the comments.

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