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Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cool Tech News

So... we need cheap energy, right? Preferably not carbon-based, right? How about a giant laser that contains a fusion reaction?
After more than a decade of work and $3.5 billion, engineers have completed the world's most powerful laser, capable of simulating the energy force of a hydrogen bomb and the sun itself.

...NIF is expected to ramp up power gradually in a series of experiments over the next year, culminating at a power level in 2010 to achieve what scientists call "fusion ignition": enough heat and pressure to fuse hydrogen atoms in a tiny cylindrical target so that more energy is released than is generated by the laser beams themselves.
I'm trying to figure out how environmentalists are going to turn this into a bad thing. Cheap energy plus lots of research possibilities. I'm sure they'll come up with something.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Bracket Busters

Everyone get out their NCAA brackets and check them. How many of you had Duke making it to the Final Four? Come on... raise your hands... How about Memphis? Don't be shy...

With the exception of Arizona State, all of the teams that remain are #3 seeds or higher. It's pretty much anyone's game now...

Welcome to the roller coaster. There's a reason they call it March Madness.

Bless Their Pointy Little Heads

I mentioned the Chicken Empathy Museum the other day. I have to guess that it's people like the person who wrote this that believe a Chicken Museum is a wonderful idea.


No, I'm not going to comment on it. I think it stands on its own.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday's Hero

This Weeks Post Was Suggested By Elena

Chief Master Sergeant Paul Wesley Airey
Chief Master Sergeant Paul Wesley Airey
U.S. Air Force

"Chief Airey was an Airman�s Airman and one of the true pioneers for our service," said Gen. Norton Schwartz, Air Force Chief of Staff. "He was a warrior, an innovator� and a leader with vision well ahead of his time. His legacy lives today in the truly professional enlisted force we have serving our nation� and for that we owe him a debt of gratitude."

Chief Airey was born in Quincy, Mass., on December 13, 1923. At age eighteen, shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December, 7, 1941, Airey quit high school to enlist in the Army Air Forces on November 16, 1942. He later earned his high school equivalency certificate through off-duty study. During World War II he flew as a B-24 radio operator and additional duty aerial gunner. On his 28th mission, then-Technical Sergeant Airey and his fellow crewmen were shot down over Vienna, Austria, captured, and held prisoner by the German air force from July 1944 to May 1945. During his time as a prisoner of war he worked tirelessly to meet the basic needs of fellow prisoners, even through a 90-day forced march.

Chief Airey held the top enlisted from April 3, 1967 to July 31, 1969. During his tenure he worked to change loan establishments charging exorbitant rates outside the air base gates and to improve low retention during the Vietnam Conflict. Chief Airey also led a team that laid the foundation for the Weighted Airman Promotion System, a system that has stood the test of time and which is still in use today. He also advocated for an Air Force-level Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy. His vision became reality when the academy opened in 1973, becoming the capstone in the development of Air Force Senior NCOs. Chief Airey retired August 1, 1970. He continued advocating for Airmen�s rights by serving on the boards of numerous Air Force and enlisted professional military organizations throughout the years. He was a member of the Board of Trustees for the Airmen Memorial Museum, a member of the Air Force Memorial Foundation and the Air University Foundation.

On the north wall of the Air Force Memorial in Washington D.C., Chief Airey�s thoughts on Airmen are immortalized, "When I think of the enlisted force, I see dedication, determination, loyalty and valor." The Air Force Association honored Airey with its Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007.

Chief Airey passed away on March 11, 2009 at his home in Panama City, Florida

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

Monday, March 23, 2009

Chicken Huggers

"Chicken huggers." That's a term T2 coined when he heard about a proposed "Chicken Empathy Museum" that PETA wanted to open in a closed Pilgrim's Pride processing plant. Shock of shocks, Governor Jindal politely declined the offer.

John Kelso had a funny piece about the museum in the Statesman. (I'm going to c/p the piece in its entirety, just in case the Statesman decides to archive the piece for no apparant reason).
PETA's "Chicken Empathy Museum" doesn't take off in Louisiana - surprise!

By John Kelso
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sometimes you've got to figure the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are just trying to get their name in the paper. And they're darned good at it.

It's looking like the "Chicken Empathy Museum" idea from PETA won't be happening in Louisiana any time soon.

Well, you know what, Sherlock? If you're looking for empathy in Louisiana, "chicken" shouldn't be the first word out of your mouth. This is a state where Popeye isn't a sailor, he's a guy who runs a drive-up chicken window. I mean, this is a part of the country where, when you say Oprah, they think you said "okra." This is a state where the Junior League cookbook has a recipe for possum.

Seriously, when PETA found out the old Pilgrim's Pride chicken processing plant in Farmerville, La., was closing, and Gov. Bobby Jindal wanted to spend $20 million of the state's money to help another company buy the place, PETA proposed the "Chicken Empathy Museum" as an alternative.

The museum would include a chicken cage-like playscape for the children that would show how cramped conditions are for the chickens. Sounds like a party.

Of course, Jindal didn't go for it. Although in Louisiana you could start up a Gumbo Empathy Museum and draw a crowd.

So what would the Chicken Empathy Museum have? A chicken wing?

"I guess the whole thing would be a chicken wing, right?" said Ashley Byrne, campaign coordinator for PETA. "Actually, we did plan to serve faux chickens, vegetarian chickens made from healthy plant protein in the museum restaurant, along with an array of other tasty vegetarian food."

When you can set a trotline for eggplant, tofu will become a hit in Baton Rouge. One thing that drives me crazy is the way vegheads flock — pun intended — to nonmeat products that are balled up to look like meat, such as the Tofurky. If vegetarians are dead set against meat, how come they want to eat vegetables hand-formed to look like critters?

"That's probably just a matter of familiarity," Ashley said. I still don't get it. Hey, you never see a meat eater take a squash and roll it up to look like a patty melt.

Oh well, it sounds like it would have been one heckuva chicken museum. "It would have an educational display highlighting facts about chickens," Ashley said. "They're intelligent animals with mental capabilities that are comparable to cats, dogs and even primates. In nature, mother hens cluck to their unborn chicks who chirp back from their shells."

Wow. The museum's amazing talking omelet display. And that's not all.

"As a gift from PETA, part of our proposal was that each visitor 12 years old and younger would have a plush chicken toy with a tag reading, 'I am not a nugget,' " Ashley said.

Hey, in Louisiana if it's not a cutlet, it's a nugget. Next time, try this stunt in New York City and maybe somebody will bite.
That's funny... "I am not a nugget." If I had chickens, I'd name one Nugget... or maybe all of them...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Hit and Run Posting

We made it back from the Nationals basketball tournament. How'd we do? hmm... the kids had a good time hanging out together. Does that tell you all you need to know?

It's been a busy week, and I'm only sorta paying attention to the news this week- the NCAA tournament is going on, dontcha know?

I did see something that I want to say something about. It concerns the President. Looks like he's had a great week, being his incompetent self. First, ESPN talks him into doing a bracket for them. Like Coach K said (and I paraphrase), doesn't he have more important things to do? Then, last night, he was on Jay Leno, and he commented that a 129 score in bowling is "like the Special Olympics." No, Mr. President, it's not. It's like... well... you stink at bowling. SO kids who bowl can probably beat you handily at the sport.

Let's add these to the list of "oops." He's got a little more than 1000 days left. He's already embarrassed us in front of the Brits, the Russians, the Brazilians, and the Swiss.

I'll give him one thing... he sure is changing the way the world views America.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wednesday's Hero

This Weeks Post Was Suggested By Kathi

Kevin Baker
Kevin Baker
U.S. Navy

Kevin George Baker, a disabled Navy veteran, had been riding his hand-propelled bicycle from his hometown through Washington, D.C. and Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to Marseilles, Illinois to support a new flag designed to honor fallen members of the military. His trip began at his home on Saturday, March 7 and sadly ended on March 13 when he passed away in his sleep. Baker, who is unable to use his legs due to a neurological impairment, was flying the Honor and Remember Flag from his bike and encouraged people along the way to sign a petition urging Congress to adopt the flag as a new national symbol by passing HR Bill 1034.

You can read the rest of Baker's story here

These brave men and women sacrifice so much in their lives so that others may enjoy the freedoms we get to enjoy everyday. For that, I am proud to call them Hero.
We Should Not Only Mourn These Men And Women Who Died, We Should Also Thank God That Such People Lived

This post is part of the Wednesday Hero Blogroll. For more information about Wednesday Hero, or if you would like to post it on your site, you can go here.
Wednesday Hero Logo

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Not As Off As It Looks

This photo was on the Engrish Funny website. Yes, it's funny, but I think it's every guy's true feelings on the whole craft show concept.


It's St. Paddy's Day!

One year when I was in grade school, the parish priest gave us St. Patrick's Day off of school because, in his words, everyone is Irish on St. Paddy's Day!

So, to all of you, I wish you 'Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!' (Happy St. Patrick's Day!)

Go have some colcannon or bangers and mash (corned beef and cabbage is an Irish American dish, not necessarily a traditional Irish meal). And I offer up a toast of 'Sláinte!' (Health!)

Quite a Record... Isn't It?

I guess you have to give President Obama some credit. He's keeping a brisk pace. At this rate, as mentioned in the link, he'll rack up at least 1,461 mistakes by the end of his first (and, God willing, only) term in office. (If you read through the comments, you'll find several more the author overlooked.)

Keep up the good work, Mr. President! I mean, it's not like the country is in your (in)capable hands or anything.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Your Daily Cracked

I'm wandering through the inter-tube-net-web thingie, looking for stuff to write about. While I haven't found topic goodness, I did find some giggles. language warning, of course. It is cracked, after all.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Blah Blah Snark Blah Blah

Yeah, I haven't been writing much lately. Sorry 'bout that. Yes, there is a lot going on... just not a lot I feel like talking about. I mean, President Obama is finishing the job of destroying the economy because the Democrats over the past 30 years haven't managed to get it done. He does have a humorous way about him, however- next year, I think I'll just tell the IRS that the code is too complicated and no one can get it right... just like how many of President Obama's appointment selections?

I did find a couple of things worth at least mentioning:
More later.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Way To Go, Cougars!

Last weekend, the Austin Christian Cougars varsity basketball teams went to the thriving metropolis of Waxahachie, Texas, to Southwestern Assemblies of God University for the Texas Christian Athletic League state tournament.

The girls' team placed a respectable Third in the 2A Division.

The boys' team? Well... here's the photo:


2009 TCAL 2A Champions

Yup! They won the 2A championship!

In case you're interested, here are a couple of pics of my boys:


T1 during warmups


T2 (#35) playing in the 4th quarter

The teams have put a lot of hard work into making it this far. Next week, all three teams (girls, JV boys and Varsity boys) head to Liberty University for the East Coast Homeschool Basketball Tournament.

FYI- the team is trying to get this into the local paper. We're the first homeschool team in Texas to win state. I don't know if the Austin paper isn't interested or just doesn't know. I guess we'll find out.

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